For example suppose there are 3 nodes A,B,C and A links to B and C, B links to A and C, and C links to B and A. In visual form its like this

C <- A -> B //A links to B & C
A <- B -> C //B links to A & C
B <- C -> A //C links to B & A

Assume the A,B,C are held in an array like so [A,B,C] with index starting at 0. How can I efficiently sort the array [A,B,C] according to the value held by each node.

For example if A holds 4, B holds -2 and C holds -1, then sortGraph([A,B,C]) should return [B,C,A]. Hope its clear. Would it be possible if I can somehow utilize std::sort?

EDIT: Not basic sort algorithm. Let me clarify a bit more. Assume I have a list of Nodes [n0,n1...nm]. Each ni has a left and right neighbor index. For example, n1 left neight is n0 and its right neighbor is n2. I use index to represent the neighbor. If n1 is at index 1, then its left neighbor is at index 0 and its right neighbor is at index 2. If I sort the array, then I need to update the neighbor index as well. I don't want to really implement my own sorting algorithm, any advice on how to proceed?


4 回答 4


这是一个 C++ 实现,希望是有用的(它包括几个算法,如 dijkstra、kruskal,它使用深度优先搜索等进行排序......)


#ifndef __GRAPH_H
#define __GRAPH_H

#include <vector>
#include <stack>
#include <set>

typedef struct __edge_t
    int v0, v1, w;

    __edge_t(int from, int to, int weight):v0(from),v1(to),w(weight){}
} edge_t;

class Graph
    Graph(void); // construct a graph with no vertex (and thus no edge)
    Graph(int n); // construct a graph with n-vertex, but no edge
    Graph(const Graph &graph); // deep copy of a graph, avoid if not necessary
    // @destructor
    virtual ~Graph(void);
    inline int getVertexCount(void) const { return this->numV; }
    inline int getEdgeCount(void)   const { return this->numE; }
    // add an edge
    // @param: from [in] - starting point of the edge
    // @param: to   [in] - finishing point of the edge
    // @param: weight[in] - edge weight, only allow positive values
    void addEdge(int from, int to, int weight=1);
    // get all edges
    // @param: edgeList[out] - an array with sufficient size to store the edges
    void getAllEdges(edge_t edgeList[]);
    // topological sort
    // @param: vertexList[out] - vertex order
    void sort(int vertexList[]);
    // dijkstra's shortest path algorithm
    // @param: v[in] - starting vertex
    // @param: path[out] - an array of <distance, prev> pair for each vertex
    void dijkstra(int v, std::pair<int, int> path[]);
    // kruskal's minimum spanning tree algorithm
    // @param: graph[out] - the minimum spanning tree result
    void kruskal(Graph &graph);
    // floyd-warshall shortest distance algorithm
    // @param: path[out] - a matrix of <distance, next> pair in C-style
    void floydWarshall(std::pair<int, int> path[]);
    // resursive depth first search
    void sort(int v, std::pair<int, int> timestamp[], std::stack<int> &order);
    // find which set the vertex is in, used in kruskal
    std::set<int>* findSet(int v, std::set<int> vertexSet[], int n);
    // union two sets, used in kruskal
    void setUnion(std::set<int>* s0, std::set<int>* s1);
    // initialize this graph
    void init(int n);
    // initialize this graph by copying another
    void init(const Graph &graph);
    int numV, numE; // number of vertices and edges
    std::vector< std::pair<int, int> >* adjList; // adjacency list



#include "Graph.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <map>

:numV(0), numE(0), adjList(0)

Graph::Graph(int n)
:numV(0), numE(0), adjList(0)

Graph::Graph(const Graph &graph)
:numV(0), numE(0), adjList(0)

    delete[] this->adjList;

void Graph::init(int n)
        delete[] this->adjList;
    this->numV = n;
    this->numE = 0;
    this->adjList = new std::vector< std::pair<int, int> >[n];

void Graph::init(const Graph &graph)
    for(int i = 0; i < numV; i++){
        this->adjList[i] = graph.adjList[i];

void Graph::addEdge(int from, int to, int weight)
    if(weight > 0){
        this->adjList[from].push_back( std::make_pair(to, weight) );

void Graph::getAllEdges(edge_t edgeList[])
    int k = 0;
    for(int i = 0; i < numV; i++){
        for(int j = 0; j < this->adjList[i].size(); j++){
            // add this edge to edgeList
            edgeList[k++] = edge_t(i, this->adjList[i][j].first, this->adjList[i][j].second);

void Graph::sort(int vertexList[])
    std::pair<int, int>* timestamp = new std::pair<int, int>[this->numV];
    std::stack<int> order;

    for(int i = 0; i < this->numV; i++){
        timestamp[i].first = -1;
        timestamp[i].second = -1;

    for(int v = 0; v < this->numV; v++){
        if(timestamp[v].first < 0){
            this->sort(v, timestamp, order);

    int i = 0;
        vertexList[i++] = order.top();
    delete[] timestamp;

void Graph::sort(int v, std::pair<int, int> timestamp[], std::stack<int> &order)
    // discover vertex v
    timestamp[v].first = 1;

    for(int i = 0; i < this->adjList[v].size(); i++){
        int next = this->adjList[v][i].first;
        if(timestamp[next].first < 0){
            this->sort(next, timestamp, order);
    // finish vertex v
    timestamp[v].second = 1;

void Graph::dijkstra(int v, std::pair<int, int> path[])
    int* q = new int[numV];
    int numQ = numV;

    for(int i = 0; i < this->numV; i++){
        path[i].first = -1; // infinity distance
        path[i].second = -1; // no path exists
        q[i] = i;

    // instant reachable to itself
    path[v].first = 0;
    path[v].second = -1;

    while(numQ > 0){
        int u = -1; // such node not exists
        for(int i = 0; i < numV; i++){
            if(q[i] >= 0 
            && path[i].first >= 0 
            && (u < 0 || path[i].first < path[u].first)){ // 
                u = i;

        if(u == -1){
            // all remaining nodes are unreachible
        // remove u from Q
        q[u] = -1;

        for(int i = 0; i < this->adjList[u].size(); i++){
            std::pair<int, int>& edge = this->adjList[u][i];
            int alt = path[u].first + edge.second;

            if(path[edge.first].first < 0 || alt < path[ edge.first ].first){
                path[ edge.first ].first = alt;
                path[ edge.first ].second = u;

    delete[] q;

// compare two edges by their weight
bool edgeCmp(edge_t e0, edge_t e1)
    return e0.w < e1.w;

std::set<int>* Graph::findSet(int v, std::set<int> vertexSet[], int n)
    for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){
        if(vertexSet[i].find(v) != vertexSet[i].end()){
            return vertexSet+i;
    return 0;

void Graph::setUnion(std::set<int>* s0, std::set<int>* s1)
    if(s1->size() > s0->size()){
        std::set<int>* temp = s0;
        s0 = s1;
        s1 = temp;

    for(std::set<int>::iterator i = s1->begin(); i != s1->end(); i++){

void Graph::kruskal(Graph &graph)
    std::vector<edge_t> edgeList;
    for(int i = 0; i < numV; i++){
        for(int j = 0; j < this->adjList[i].size(); j++){
            // add this edge to edgeList
            edgeList.push_back( edge_t(i, this->adjList[i][j].first, this->adjList[i][j].second) );

    // sort the list in ascending order
    std::sort(edgeList.begin(), edgeList.end(), edgeCmp);

    // create disjoint set of the spanning tree constructed so far
    std::set<int>* disjoint = new std::set<int>[this->numV];
    for(int i = 0; i < numV; i++){

    for(int e = 0; e < edgeList.size(); e++){
        // consider edgeList[e]
        std::set<int>* s0 = this->findSet(edgeList[e].v0, disjoint, numV);
        std::set<int>* s1 = this->findSet(edgeList[e].v1, disjoint, numV);
        if(s0 == s1){
            // adding this edge will make a cycle

        // add this edge to MST
        graph.addEdge(edgeList[e].v0, edgeList[e].v1, edgeList[e].w);
        // union s0 & s1
        this->setUnion(s0, s1);
    delete[] disjoint;

#define IDX(i,j)    ((i)*numV+(j))

void Graph::floydWarshall(std::pair<int, int> path[])
    // initialize
    for(int i = 0; i < numV; i++){
        for(int j = 0; j < numV; j++){
            path[IDX(i,j)].first = -1;
            path[IDX(i,j)].second = -1;
    for(int i = 0; i < numV; i++){
        for(int j = 0; j < this->adjList[i].size(); j++){
                = this->adjList[i][j].second;
                = this->adjList[i][j].first;

    // dynamic programming
    for(int k = 0; k < numV; k++){
        for(int i = 0; i < numV; i++){
            for(int j = 0; j < numV; j++){
                if(path[IDX(i,k)].first == -1
                || path[IDX(k,j)].first == -1){
                    // no path exist from i-to-k or from k-to-j

                if(path[IDX(i,j)].first == -1
                || path[IDX(i,j)].first > path[IDX(i,k)].first + path[IDX(k,j)].first){
                    // there is a shorter path from i-to-k, and from k-to-j
                    path[IDX(i,j)].first = path[IDX(i,k)].first + path[IDX(k,j)].first;
                    path[IDX(i,j)].second = k;
于 2012-11-19T06:00:30.857 回答



  1. 将所有节点放入一个数组中。
  2. 使用任何排序算法(例如qsort)对数组进行排序。
  3. 循环遍历结果并重置每个节点的 prev/next 指针,同时考虑到第一个和最后一个节点的特殊情况。
于 2012-11-19T06:25:28.253 回答



我个人最喜欢的是 BogoSort 加上平行宇宙理论。该理论是,如果您将一台机器连接到可以破坏宇宙的程序,那么如果列表在一次迭代后没有排序,它将破坏宇宙。这样,除了列表排序的平行宇宙之外的所有平行宇宙都将被破坏,并且您有一个复杂度为 O(1) 的排序算法。

最好的 ....

于 2012-11-19T05:55:02.063 回答


template<typename Container, typename Comparison = std::less<typename Container::value_type>>
struct SortHelper
    Container const* container;
    size_t org_index;
    SortHelper( Container const* c, size_t index ):container(c), org_index(index) {}
    bool operator<( SortHelper other ) const
      return Comparison()( (*c)[org_index], (*other.c)[other.org_index] );





于 2012-11-19T06:33:34.527 回答