I currently have a registration form for people to signup and pick a date for an "appointment". They get sent an e-mail right after filling it up with the details. I need another e-mail to be sent a day before their chosen date to remind them, but that can't be fulfilled by plugins I currently have.

Does anyone know of any Wordpress plug-in that allows the sending of an e-mail message (with a template and user specific data) based on a specified date?

Any piece of information or advice would be highly appreciated. Thanks!


3 回答 3


我将如何使用 Wordpresses 事件调度来解决这个问题。当用户提交表单以安排他们的约会时,为提醒电子邮件设置一个新操作:

// Set this when you send the confirmation email
// Set the $unix_timestamp to be whenever you want the reminder to be sent.
// Args can be an array of the data you will need. Such as the users email/appt date
$args = array(
 'email' => 'email@email.com'
wp_schedule_single_event($unix_timestamp, 'set_reminder', $args);



function do_reminder($args) {
// $email = $args['email'], etc.
// send reminder email.
于 2012-11-20T07:02:38.873 回答

我推荐 Wysija 时事通讯。你http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/wysija-newsletters/。您可以使用此插件在电子邮件中使用模板和用户特定数据。

于 2012-11-19T07:55:57.030 回答

如果您对编写自己的代码感到满意(我想您对此或多或少没问题),您可以使用 WordPress Schedule API(好吧,也许这不是官方名称,但它有效)。基本上它是一种 cron-job,但对于 WordPress。但它有一个缺点——它只会在 WordPress 被渲染时按时触发(换句话说,它被访问,因此它的代码将被执行)。这可以通过向您的主机帐户添加一个简单的 cron 作业来轻松解决,该作业只需每隔 X 小时访问一次您的主页。

您可以在此处找到有关 API 的有用信息。


于 2012-11-19T08:52:28.007 回答