我是 C 大一新生,现在学习链接列表。当我对链表进行冒泡排序时,出现段错误,GDB 指向函数 bubble(),i = ptr->elem。我不知道这是什么原因。请帮忙弄清楚。


#include    <stdio.h>
#include    <stdlib.h>
#include    <time.h>
#include    <string.h>

define      i_track(n)  printf ("The %s's is %d.\n", #n, (n))
define      s_track(n)  printf ("%s.\n", #n);

typedef struct tag_node
    int elem;
struct tag_node *next;

void  node_track (SLINK list);
NODE *node_generate (void);
void init_list (SLINK *header, int len);
SLINK locate_cur (SLINK list, int target_elem);
void insert_node (SLINK *list, int new_elem, int tag_elem);
SLINK traverse_list (SLINK list);
void list_info (SLINK list, int node_elem);
void bubble (SLINK list);
void swap (int *a, int *b);

int main (int argc, char *argv[])
int len;
SLINK list = node_generate ();
printf ("Input a number for length of the link.\n");
scanf ("%d", &len);
init_list (&list, len);
traverse_list (list);
bubble (list);

}   /* ----------  end of function main  ---------- */          

NODE *node_generate (void) /* generate a node */
NODE *new_node = malloc (sizeof (NODE));
if (NULL == new_node)
    printf ("ERROR: malloc failed.\n");
    exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
memset (new_node, 0, sizeof(NODE));
return new_node;

void insert_node (SLINK *list, int new_elem, int tag_elem)
/* insert a node */
NODE *new_node = node_generate ();
NODE *cur = *list;
new_node->elem = new_elem;
if ((int)NULL == tag_elem)
    new_node->next = (*list)->next;
    (*list)->next = new_node;
    *list = locate_cur (cur, tag_elem);
    new_node->next = (*list)->next;
    (*list)->next = new_node;

void init_list (SLINK *header, int len)
/* generate a linked-list and assign it*/
srand ((unsigned) time(0));
int elem;
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
    /* skip number 4 since I dislike it */
        elem = rand () % 100;

        if (4 == elem / 10)
            elem = elem + 50;
        if (4 == elem % 10)
            elem = elem + 5;
        if (0 == elem % 100)
            elem = elem + 999;
        insert_node (header, elem, (int)NULL);  

SLINK traverse_list (SLINK list)
/*traverse list */
SLINK ptr = list;
for (int node_num = 0; ptr != NULL; ptr = ptr->next)
    list_info (ptr, node_num);
return list;

void list_info (SLINK list, int node_num)
/* used for traversed_list () */
if (1 == node_num % 10 && 11 != node_num)
    printf ("The %dst element is %d.\n", node_num, list->elem);
else if (2 == node_num % 10 && 12 != node_num)
    printf ("The %dnd element is %d.\n", node_num, list->elem);
else if (3 == node_num % 10 && 13 != node_num)
    printf ("The %drd element is %d.\n", node_num, list->elem);
    printf ("The %dth element is %d.\n", node_num, list->elem);

SLINK locate_cur (SLINK list, int target_elem)
/* locate previous of a node */
NODE *prev, *cur;
prev = node_generate ();
cur = node_generate ();
for (prev = list, cur = list->next; NULL != cur && target_elem != cur->elem; prev = cur, cur = cur->next)
return cur;

void node_track (NODE *flag)
printf ("The flag element is %d.\n", flag->elem);

void bubble (SLINK list) /* bubble sort */
list = list->next;
SLINK ptr, header;
ptr = list; /*GDB point to here*/
int i =0, j = 0;
for (; NULL != list; list = list->next)
    for (ptr = list; NULL != ptr; ptr = ptr->next);
        j = list->elem;
        i = ptr->elem;
    //  if (ptr->elem > list->elem)
        if (i > j)
            swap (&(ptr->elem), &(list->elem));

void swap (int *a, int *b)
*a = (*a)^(*b);
*b = (*a)^(*b);
*a = (*a)^(*b);



1 回答 1


tag_elemin的目的init_list()非常不明确。我修改了代码以消除该变量,然后运行它并指定 5 作为输入值。它给:

Input a number for length of the link.
The 1st element is 0.
The 2nd element is 12.
The 3rd element is 8.
The 4th element is 99.
The 5th element is 7.
The 6th element is 63.
Segmentation fault: 11

为什么在请求 5 项时打印 6 项?重复执行时,第一个元素中的值始终为 0(重复 3 次)。


SLINK traverse_list(SLINK list)
    assert(list != 0); 
    SLINK ptr = list->next;
    for (int node_num = 0; ptr != NULL; ptr = ptr->next)
        list_info(ptr, ++node_num);
    return list;


但是,in 的内部循环bubble()有一个错误:

for (ptr = list; NULL != ptr; ptr = ptr->next);
    j = list->elem;
    i = ptr->elem;
//  if (ptr->elem > list->elem)
    if (i > j)
        swap (&(ptr->elem), &(list->elem));


for (ptr = list; NULL != ptr; ptr = ptr->next)
    j = list->elem;
    i = ptr->elem;  // When this is executed, ptr == NULL!
    if (i > j)
        swap (&(ptr->elem), &(list->elem));


Input a number for length of the link.
init start.
init end.
The 1st element is 12.
The 2nd element is 19.
The 3rd element is 99.
The 4th element is 92.
The 5th element is 28.
traverse 1 end.
sort end.
The 1st element is 99.
The 2nd element is 92.
The 3rd element is 28.
The 4th element is 19.
The 5th element is 12.
traverse 2 end.

显然,诊断打印的设置略有修改,但数据是按降序排列的。看起来它也适用于更大的场景;我尝试了 55 没有崩溃,数据中有一些重复,并且输出按降序排序。

于 2012-11-19T05:55:22.263 回答