
select d.deptName, 
case when COUNT(*) is null then '0' else count(*) end AS total 
from Employee e 
right outer join Department d on e.deptID=d.deptID 
WHERE e.Year=@year
and e.Month=@month
group by d.deptName
order by d.deptName



2 回答 2


When you apply the filter condition through where clause after join, it filters out all the records which doesn't satisfy the filter criteria. Try moving your filter criteria in join condition itself as below:

   select d.deptName, 
         case when COUNT(*) is null then '0' else count(*) end AS total 
   from Employee e 
   right outer join Department d 
      on (e.Year=@year 
          and e.Month=@month
          and e.deptID=d.deptID)
   group by d.deptName
   order by d.deptName
于 2012-11-19T04:07:21.357 回答


SELECT d.deptName, COUNT(e.deptID) AS total
   FROM Employee e
   RIGHT OUTER JOIN Department d
      ON (e.Year= @year 
          AND e.Month= @month
          AND e.deptID=d.deptID)
   GROUP BY d.deptName
   ORDER BY d.deptName

请参阅 SQL Fiddle 查询:http ://sqlfiddle.com/#!3/b1105/17

于 2012-11-19T04:30:02.287 回答