I am using FB 4.6 to develop an App for both Android and iOS. I have run into a situation with text input fields where on some occasions, when pressing a single letter will actually add multiple characters of the same letter to the text input field. When I attempt to add the next letter, it will duplicate the existing text in the text field and add it on to the text. For example, entering the word, "Adobe" may end up looking something like "AAddAAddoobbAAddoobbee". This issue seems to be isolated to Android.

Here's an example of one of my input fields:

<s:TextInput id="email_txt" left="20" top="47" width="316" prompt="Player's Email"    restrict="^'&quot;" focusIn="email_txt_focusInHandler(event)" focusOut="email_txt_focusOutHandler(event)" skinClass="spark.skins.mobile.StageTextInputSkin" softKeyboardType="email" />


enter image description here

Thanks, in advance, for any and all replies.


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