
I have the Facebook sdk integrated in my Android application and whenever I press the a button I want to be able to post a particular message (given by code) to be shown on the user's wall. I have written the following code up till now :

public void showFacebookDialog(String message) {
    // post on user's wall.
    // mFacebook.authorize(this, new PostDialogListener());

    Bundle parameters = new Bundle();
    //parameters.putString("message", "Some message");// the message to post
    parameters.putString("app_id", "my_id");
    parameters.putString("caption", "some caption");
    parameters.putString("description", "some description");
                                                    // to the wall
    mFacebook.dialog(GameActivity.this, "feed", parameters,
            new PostDialogListener());// "stream.publish" is an API call
    // mFacebook.dialog(this, "feed", new PostDialogListener());

This is not working. I am not able to set a pre populated message inside the dialog box that is showing up. How do I go about this ?

Thank you in advance.


1 回答 1


消息参数将被忽略。根据 Facebook 政策,您不能预先填充此字段。只有用户可以设置消息。

于 2012-11-21T19:53:54.330 回答