A number of algorithms iterate until a certain convergence criterion is reached (e.g. stability of a particular matrix). In many cases, one CUDA kernel must be launched per iteration. My question is: how then does one efficiently and accurately determine whether a matrix has changed over the course of the last kernel call? Here are three possibilities which seem equally unsatisfying:

  • Writing a global flag each time the matrix is modified inside the kernel. This works, but is highly inefficient and is not technically thread safe.
  • Using atomic operations to do the same as above. Again, this seems inefficient since in the worst case scenario one global write per thread occurs.
  • Using a reduction kernel to compute some parameter of the matrix (e.g. sum, mean, variance). This might be faster in some cases, but still seems like overkill. Also, it is possible to dream up cases where a matrix has changed but the sum/mean/variance haven't (e.g. two elements are swapped).

Is there any of the three options above, or an alternative, that is considered best practice and/or is generally more efficient?


2 回答 2


如果浏览器崩溃,我也会回到我在 2012 年发布的答案。

基本思想是,您可以使用 warp 投票指令执行简单、廉价的缩减,然后使用每个块的零个或一个原子操作来更新主机在每次内核启动后可以读取的固定映射标志。使用映射标志消除了在每次内核启动后显式设备主机传输的需要。

这需要内核中每个 warp 的一个共享内存字,这是一个很小的开销,如果您提供每个块的 warp 数作为模板参数,一些模板技巧可以允许循环展开。

一个完整的工作示例(使用 C++ 主机代码,我目前无法访问工作的 PyCUDA 安装)如下所示:

#include <cstdlib>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <assert.h>

__device__ unsigned int process(int & val)
    return (++val < 10);

template<int nwarps>
__global__ void kernel(int *inout, unsigned int *kchanged)
    __shared__ int wchanged[nwarps];
    unsigned int laneid = threadIdx.x % warpSize;
    unsigned int warpid = threadIdx.x / warpSize;

    // Do calculations then check for change/convergence 
    // and set tchanged to be !=0 if required
    int idx = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
    unsigned int tchanged = process(inout[idx]);

    // Simple blockwise reduction using voting primitives
    // increments kchanged is any thread in the block 
    // returned tchanged != 0
    tchanged = __any(tchanged != 0);
    if (laneid == 0) {
        wchanged[warpid] = tchanged;

    if (threadIdx.x == 0) {
        int bchanged = 0;
#pragma unroll
        for(int i=0; i<nwarps; i++) {
            bchanged |= wchanged[i];
        if (bchanged) {
            atomicAdd(kchanged, 1);

int main(void)
    const int N = 2048;
    const int min = 5, max = 15;
    std::vector<int> data(N);
    for(int i=0; i<N; i++) {
        data[i] = min + (std::rand() % (int)(max - min + 1));

    int* _data;
    size_t datasz = sizeof(int) * (size_t)N;
    cudaMalloc<int>(&_data, datasz);
    cudaMemcpy(_data, &data[0], datasz, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);

    unsigned int *kchanged, *_kchanged;
    cudaHostAlloc((void **)&kchanged, sizeof(unsigned int), cudaHostAllocMapped);
    cudaHostGetDevicePointer((void **)&_kchanged, kchanged, 0);

    const int nwarps = 4;
    dim3 blcksz(32*nwarps), grdsz(16);

    // Loop while the kernel signals it needs to run again
    do {
        *kchanged = 0;
        kernel<nwarps><<<grdsz, blcksz>>>(_data, _kchanged);
    } while (*kchanged != 0); 

    cudaMemcpy(&data[0], _data, datasz, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);

    int minval = *std::min_element(data.begin(), data.end());
    assert(minval == 10);

    return 0;

这里,kchanged是内核用来向主机发出它需要再次运行的信号的标志。内核一直运行,直到输入中的每个条目都增加到阈值以上。在每个线程处理结束时,它参与一次warp 投票,之后每个warp 中的一个线程将投票结果加载到共享内存中。一个线程减少扭曲结果,然后自动更新kchanged值。主机线程等待设备完成,然后可以直接从映射的主机变量中读取结果。


于 2014-05-29T19:22:11.030 回答



__device__ int flag;


  1. 将标志初始化为零(在主机代码中):

    int init_val = 0;
    cudaMemcpyToSymbol(flag, &init_val, sizeof(int));
  2. 在您的内核设备代码中,如果对矩阵进行了更改,请将标志修改为 1:

    __global void iter_kernel(float *matrix){
      if (new_val[i] != matrix[i]){
        matrix[i] = new_val[i];
        flag = 1;}
  3. 调用内核后,在迭代结束时(在主机代码中),测试修改:

    int modified = 0;
    cudaMemcpyFromSymbol(&modified, flag, sizeof(int));
    if (modified){

即使在不同的块甚至不同的网格中的多个线程正在写入flag值,只要它们所做的唯一事情是写入相同的值(即在这种情况下为 1),就没有危险。写入不会“丢失”,并且flag变量中不会出现虚假值。




至少与其中一种优化方法(例如,每个块共享标志)相比,缩减内核似乎有点矫枉过正。它会有你提到的缺点,例如任何小于 CRC 或类似复杂计算的东西都可能将两个不同的矩阵结果别名为“相同”。

于 2014-05-28T16:51:59.357 回答