To make font-face kit, I use the font-face generator by font squirrel : http://www.fontsquirrel.com/fontface/generator

But this doesn't support postscript contour and it export only woff with truetype contour. Is there a website or a programm to do it?

<-- Edit -->

A guy from Typophile told me I could use sfntly ( http://code.google.com/p/sfntly/ ) but I have absolutely no idea how to use this. Anyone knowes wehe to start with that ?


1 回答 1



下载后,在 OS X 中打开 Terminal.app 并拖动sfnt2woff到终端窗口。(这会将应用程序的完整路径粘贴到命令行上。)然后是一个简单的终端命令:

/path/to/sfnt2woff -v 1.0 /path/to/font.otf

将在与字体相同的目录中创建 WOFF。

于 2012-11-20T19:45:07.070 回答