I want to run a BFS in a square grid of size N*N. There is a single starting node. I can only move up/down/left/right (not in diagonal). There may be obstacles in the grid.

Of course I want to use a queue to store the nodes I have to visit. It will be implemented as circular array of size S (fixed size). What is the minimum size for my array? I don't want it to overflow, even in the worst possible case.

A similar problem would be : given a node in a grid, what is the maximum number of node at exactly distance K from the starting node (for any 0 < K < 2*N)?

I think it would be hard to find an exact answer to this problem so a good approximation would be enough.

See this example (the rightmost picture) :

enter image description here

This is not a grid but we could make grid with the same pattern (where the white represents obstacles and the black fractal are the walkable nodes). We can see that we have a lot of nodes at EXACTLY the same distance from the node in the center (actually this number doubles everytime time a path splits in two). So I would like to know how large this number could get, and if there are other configurations that yields to the same situation.

To make it very clear my question is : can this number get LARGER than 2*N where N is the size of the N*N square grid.


3 回答 3



想象一下,您只从该图的左上角四分之一开始。这将 N 定义为左上角四分之一的大小,并将 E 定义为与中心单元具有相同距离的端点的数量。

现在假设您要将网格扩展到完整的图形。这意味着您的 Nnew 现在是 2N(即长度增加了一倍,宽度也增加了一倍)。然而,端点 E 的数量现在增加了四倍(即 Enew = 4N),如图所示。

换句话说,随着 N 的增加,端点数量的增长速度比 N 快得多,因此对于足够大的 N,端点的数量必然会超过 2*N。

于 2012-11-20T13:24:45.290 回答

2*N如果我正确理解您的问题,由于障碍物的存在,节点与起始节点的最大距离可能为 > :

. . . * . . .
. * . * . * .
. * . * . * .
. * . * . * .
. * . . . * .
. . * * * . .
. . A * B . . 

如果我数对了,从 A 到 B 的距离是 30,比 2*7 大得多。



于 2012-11-18T23:58:18.040 回答

可能是因为您想知道队列的最大大小而想知道距离 K 处的单元格数量吗?


这完全跳过了您的问题,并且列表调整大小行为不应该成为问题:如果空间不足,大多数实现会将底层数组的大小加倍,因此无论如何您不应获得超过 O(log n) 的重新分配。

于 2012-11-18T20:12:51.783 回答