I have an application where I set a weekly target for my employees. I also need to update target achieved by each daily. So that I can compare with set target. I need something like this:

sr|emp |weekly_tgt |19.11.11 |20.11.11|21.11.11|22.11.11|23.11.11|24.11.11|

I googled the problem and found some scheduler and event manager. But do I need to use those or there is some easier way to achieve it? If I am to use those which one should I ? I am using SQL Server for database.

Any help is highly appreciated.


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我会使用两个表:1 记录每周目标,1 记录每日目标。

create table weekly_target (
  id smallint PRIMARY KEY,
  emp smallint,
  startweek date,
  target decimal(3,2))

create table daily_target (
  id smallint PRIMARY KEY,
  emp smallint,
  [date] date,
  target_value decimal(3,2))


于 2012-11-18T17:51:48.783 回答