我是 Emacs 的新手,我对计算不是很好。然而,几周前我发现了 Emacs,我对它的可能性感到非常惊讶。我期待将它用于 LaTeX 文档编辑、一些编程、创建我自己的 elisp 函数,当然还有使用 org-mode 创建计划和笔记。对我来说主要的不便之处在于我在多个地方(我的笔记本电脑、家用电脑和工作电脑)使用 Emacs。在工作中,我未经授权安装软件。如果我在我的 .emacs 文件或待办事项列表中进行了一些更改,我需要将其同步到任何地方。我正在使用保管箱,但这有点烦人,因为在工作中我需要下载它来覆盖旧的等等。我需要一些实用的建议来了解如何同步一些私人文件,在一个地方所做的更改可以快速加载到其他地方地方。



3 回答 3


在 org-mode 的任务和事件方面,一种选择是与 Toodledo 服务器同步——大多数流行的移动计算设备都有 Toodledo 应用程序。该库位于以下链接:


我已经修改了org-toodledo库,使其表现得更像 Toodledo,在我的.emacs文件中,我使用:

(setq org-todo-keywords '(
  "Next Action(n)"
  "None(N)") ))

(setq org-toodledo-status-to-org-map '(
    ("Active" . "Active")
    ("Next Action" . "Next Action")
    ("Reference" . "Reference")
    ("Delegated" . "Delegated")
    ("Waiting" . "Waiting")
    ("Someday" . "Someday")
    ("Planning" . "Planning")
    ("None" . "None")
    ("Hold" . "Hold")
    ("Postponed" . "Postponed")
    ("Canceled" . "Canceled") ))

此外,在库"DONE"中提到的任何地方org-toodledo,我都将其更改为"None"-- 我用于完成的任务/事件。

我还修改了代码的另一个区域,以便我可以像 Toodledo 一样拥有五 (5) 个优先级。

于 2014-03-20T00:32:28.957 回答

You can use Dropbox for sure, but you might also want to check SugarSync since it allows the option of sharing ANY file on your computer with any other device (and is also accessible online on their website).

My structure is like this:

I have a sugarsynced folder "school" where I have my LaTeX files (and pdf's) and R files that are shared. I make my homework, and in class I usually read my pdf's from my phone. Everything syncs automatically.

For my Emacs files, I use Dropbox: the good thing is that at other computers you can just make sure it looks exactly at the same folders.

You generally would like a structure as:


In my .emacs, you define all load-paths and requires, such as:

 (let ((base "/Username/Dropbox/emacs/.emacs.d/"))
  (add-to-list 'load-path base)
  (dolist (f (directory-files base))
    (let ((name (concat base "/" f)))
      (when (and (file-directory-p name) 
                 (not (equal f ".."))
                 (not (equal f ".")))
        (add-to-list 'load-path name)))))

You should also set a customization file:

(setq custom-file "/path-to-dropbox/.emacs.d/emacs-custom.el")
(load custom-file)

and store backups in a folder:

(setq backup-directory-alist '(("." . "/path-to-dropbox/.emacs.d/backups")))

I would suggest such a structure:

emacs-display.el    (any visual stuff)
external-plugins.el  (file for loading external packages and adjusts settings)
keybindings.el  (all your keybbindings)

You also set mode association for loading your personal file, for example for LaTeX:

(eval-after-load 'latex '(load "/path-to-dropbox/.emacs.d/personal-emacs-latex"))

In this you can put all the customization for whenever you are using LaTeX.


In this folder the actual files stored. It becomes really easy to remove something when it wouldn't work for whatever reason.

于 2012-11-19T10:16:01.960 回答

Emacs 在设计上是可移植的。不依赖于任何平台特定的功能。


我认为 DropBox 使用起来很乏味,因为不允许您使用创建完整集成的应用程序,但您受限于 Web 界面......如果是这种情况,您可能会受到所有其他应用程序的限制备择方案。

在这些环境中,我建议的一种选择是安装 Emacs,或者至少将您的 .emacs 文件夹安装在 USB 记忆棒上(我喜欢微型 USB 记忆棒,它看起来像鼠标加密狗,几乎不引人注意)。

您将能够在任何地方使用 emacs,如果您担心备份,您始终可以在您正在使用的另一台机器上实施手动或自动备份解决方案,并且您拥有更多访问权限。

于 2012-11-18T15:05:57.960 回答