I have a Symfony2 web application.

Everything works well in local. But when moving to production environment, there are some things that don't work the same as local.

Now, to figure out what is going on on Production I am trying to write some logs.

For some reason, I am not getting to write anything to the production log. Could anyone tell me what I am doing wrong? This is my code in the Controller in (nothing too sophisticated, by the way):

$logger = $this -> get("logger");
$logger -> err("My Trace --> " . $my_inspect_variable);

The ./logs/prod.log is being writing properly by Symfony. But when I try to write something by myself, it just ignores me.

My config_prod.yml file:

        type:         fingers_crossed
        action_level: error
        handler:      nested
        type:  stream
        path:  %kernel.logs_dir%/%kernel.environment%.log
        level: debug

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