int *arr = new int[10];
int *tmp = new int[9];
std::copy(arr+1, arr+10, tmp);
delete [] arr;
arr = tmp;
你需要设计你的类来管理它自己的资源,并处理复制或移动。您的 currentmyClass
由于您在构造函数中进行分配,因此您需要一个处理释放的析构函数。然后,由于您实现了三个特殊操作之一(copy-ctor、copy-assignment、析构函数),您需要考虑全部实现它们。(这被称为“三法则”。在 C++11 中,它变成了“五法则”,并添加了 move-ctors 和 move assignment。)
class myClass {
// destructor to handle destroying internal resources correctly
// copy constructor and copy assignment operator, to handle copying correctly
myClass(myClass const &rhs);
myClass &operator=(myClass const &rhs);
// move constructor and move assignment operator, to handle moves correctly (C++11)
myClass(myClass && rhs);
myClass &operator= (myClass &&rhs);
int *num1; // private so external code can't screw it up
// limited access to num1
int size() const { if (num1) return 1; else return 0; }
int &operator[] (size_t i) { return num1[i]; }
您可以像以前一样实现构造函数,也可以使用初始化列表和 C++11 统一初始化:
myClass::myClass() : num1(new int[1]{10}) {}
现在,您想要的析构函数取决于您希望类具有的语义以及您想要维护的特定不变量。“值”语义是 C++ 中的规范(如果您熟悉 Java 或 C#,这些语言鼓励或要求用户定义类型的“参考”语义)。如果您想要值语义,并且如果您维护一个 num1 始终拥有内存或为空的不变量,则可以使用下面的析构函数。
myClass::~myClass() { delete num1; }
可以以不同的方式处理复制和移动。如果你想完全禁止它们,你可以说(在 C++11 中):
myClass::myClass(myClass const &rhs) = delete;
myClass &myClass::operator=(myClass const &rhs) = delete;
myClass::myClass(myClass && rhs) = delete;
myClass &myClass::operator= (myClass &&rhs) = delete;
myClass::myClass(myClass const &rhs) : num1( rhs.size() ? new int[1]{rhs[0]} : nullptr) {}
myClass &myClass::operator=(myClass const &rhs) {
if (num1)
num1[0] = rhs[0];
myClass::myClass(myClass && rhs) : num1(rhs.num1) { rhs.num1 = nullptr; } // remember to maintain the invariant that num1 owns the thing it points at, and since raw pointers don't handle shared ownership only one thing can own the int, and therefore only one myClass may point at it. rhs.num1 must be made to point at something else...
myClass &myClass::operator= (myClass &&rhs) { std::swap(num1, rhs.num1); } // steal rhs.num1 and leave it to rhs to destroy our own num1 if necessary. We could also destroy it ourselves if we wanted to.
任何其他“值”类型一样对待 myClass 对象。您不再需要担心管理其内部资源;它会自己照顾他们。
int main() {
std::vector<myClass> myclassvec(10);
cout << myclassvec[0][0] << '\n';
myclassvec.erase(myclassvec.begin()); // erase the first element
cout << myclassvec[0][0] << '\n'; // access the new first element (previously the second element);