
我正在尝试创建以下 mysql 程序,但我被困了两个小时,我不知道它有什么问题。

delimiter $$
drop procedure if exists pos_finder;
    create procedure pos_finder()
     declare below, normal, normal_h, svalue, eid, above int default 0;
     declare bcounter, ncounter, acounter int default 0;
     declare done int default 0;
     declare userData cursor for select e.id, s.value, t.below_normal_h,
t.Normal_b, t.Normal_h, t.above_normal_l from k_employee as e, k_trackers_data as s, k_trackers_sub as t where e.id = 3 and s.user_id = e.id and t.id = s.sub_tracker_id;
     declare continue handler for not found set done = 1;
     open userData;
     fetch userData into eid, svalue, below, normal, normal_h, above;
     if svalue < below then
     set bcounter = bcounter + 1;
     else if svalue > normal then
     set ncounter = ncounter + 1;
     else if svalue > above then
     set acounter = acounter + 1;
     end if;
     close userData;

mysql 说

ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that
corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at
line 19

这是关闭 userData线。我在这里和那里移动了换行符,它总是只在这一行上给出错误



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于 2012-11-18T03:35:43.770 回答