I want my customers to be able to download a passbook file. As of this moment Chrome does not support this format and seems to hang on the download.

Is there a way to force a link in Chrome(or any other browser for that matter) to open in Mobile Safari? Or can I otherwise server my customers the passbook file so it is recognised by IOS6?

Right now I am considering either serving them a page with a link that has to be opened in safari or sending them the coupon by email(hoping they use the native email client, since the 3rd party ones dont seem to support passbook either)


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iOS Chrome 从 v23.0.1271.91 开始支持 Passbook .pkpass 文件。确保您使用正确的 mime 类型提供服务application/vnd.apple.pkpass

对于早期版本和其他浏览器,我们会嗅探用户代理并在浏览器中渲染一个 pass。尝试使用不同的浏览器和设备访问此示例。

于 2013-01-05T16:53:43.060 回答