We are currently migrating from OC4J to Weblogic. We have an ANT script which builds the EAR file. The ANT also compiles and packs all the .jsp files into a jar. But when I tried to run the application on Weblogic it always returned 404 when trying to access .jsps. So I tried to add a mapping in web.xml for weblogic.servlet.JSPServlet for the URL pattern *.jsp, but I still get 404 when I try to access .jsps.

What could be the problem?



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您的 EAR 文件结构必须正确。

如果要部署到 WLS,则可以单独部署 EAR 或 WAR,但是如果选择 EAR 文件,则必须在 WAR 文件中包含 JSP。您应该只需要在 web 和上下文 xml 文件中指定 servlet 和资源映射。

您还必须确保在库中有您的 .jar 文件。否则你可能会遇到问题。


于 2013-02-17T17:54:12.933 回答