I've written a Java function that implements the Boyer-Moore algorithm to search for a given substring in a char array. It returns a list of every index where the substring is found in the array. For example, if the char array being searched contained the phrase "The Walking Dead" and the substring given as a parameter was "king", a list of size one containing the value 7 would be returned.

I would like to change this function so that only indexes of substrings that are full words in the char array would be returned. So the previous example would return an empty list, but if the substring was changed to "The", "Walking" or "Dead", lists of size 1 would be returned with values 0, 4, and 12 respectively.

Is this sort of functionality possible to implement using the Boyer-Moore algorithm? Are there any other string searching algorithms that would be able to produce these results efficiently?


3 回答 3



于 2012-11-17T03:17:40.697 回答

只需使用 Java 的模式——它已经在内部实现了 Boyer Moore。然后 '\b' 匹配一个单词边界。如:

    Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("\\b" + Pattern.quote(needle) + "\\b");
    Matcher m = pattern.matcher(haystack);
    while (m.find()) {
于 2013-11-23T08:19:50.543 回答

是的,你可以调整 Boyer-Moore 来做到这一点:

  • 在每个“匹配”之后,您可以检查匹配的开始和结束位置是否在单词边界处。

  • 您将搜索从 "king" 更改为 'word-boundary + "king" + word-boundary',其中 'word-boundary' 是一个伪字符,您的修改后的 BM 与任何单词边界字符匹配。

  • 您可以预处理输入以用表示“单词边界”的特殊字符替换所有空格、标点符号等,然后进行搜索。


于 2012-11-17T03:59:04.760 回答