我想做的是使用自定义类型找到两组的交集IntSet。代码编译得很好,但是当我运行它时,它会抛出一个ArrayStoreException. 据我收集,问题是试图将对象数组转换为IntSet. 这是代码:

    public IntSet[] intersection(Integer[] s1, Integer[] s2) {
    Arrays.sort(s1);//sort arrays
    IntSet[] s3;
    int s1index = 0;//initalise index and counters
    int s2index = 0;

    while (s1index < s1.length && s2index < s2.length) {
        if (s1[s1index] == s2[s2index]) {//if present in both arrays
            al.add(s1[s1index]);// add element to s3
        } else if (s1[s1index] < s2[s2index]) {//increment the smaller element
        } else {
    Object t[] = al.toArray();//convert to array
    **s3 = Arrays.copyOf(t, t.length, IntSet[].class);**//convert to intSet//exception thrown here
    return s3;


public class IntSet {

 * @param args the command line arguments
 * SPECIFICATIONS: 1.addElement(elem) adds a new element to the set Pre:
 * integer elem != any other element in the set Post: NUMBER_ADDED returned
 * if not already present, NUMBER_ALREADY_IN_SET if it is.
 * 2.removeElement(elem) removes an element from the set Pre: integer elem
 * is already in set Post: NUMBER_REMOVED returned if present,
 * NUMBER_NOT_IN_SET if not.
 * 3.intersection(s1,s2) returns the intersection of two sets Pre: two
 * integer arrays s1 and s2 Post: array containing the elements common to
 * the two sets, empty set if there is nothing in common
 * 4.union(s1,s2) returns the union of two sets Pre: two integer arrays s1
 * and s2 Post: array of non-duplicate elements present in both arrays.
 * 5.difference(s1,s2) returns elements that are in s1 but not in s2 Pre:
 * two integer arrays s1 and s2 Post: random double number D generated,
 * where min < D < max
public static final int NUMBER_ADDED = 0;
public static final int NUMBER_ALREADY_IN_SET = 1;
public static final int NUMBER_REMOVED = 2;
public static final int NUMBER_NOT_IN_SET = 3;
private ArrayList<Integer> al = new ArrayList<Integer>();//creates new array list

IntSet(ArrayList<Integer> source) {

 * Adds an element to a set see top for specifications
 * @param elem element to be added
 * @return NUMBER_ADDED if valid, NUMBER_ALREADY_IN_SET if not
public int addElement(int elem) {
    if (!al.contains(elem)) {
        return NUMBER_ALREADY_IN_SET;
    return NUMBER_ADDED;

 * Removes the element from the set See top for specification
 * @param elem element to be removed
 * @return NUMBER_REMOVED if valid, NUMBER_NOT_IN_SET if not
public int removeElement(int elem) {

    if (!al.contains(elem)) {
        return NUMBER_NOT_IN_SET;
    return NUMBER_ADDED;

 * Finds the intersection of two arrays see top for ADT specification
 * @param s1 first array
 * @param s2 second array
 * @return s3 combined array
public IntSet intersection(Integer[] s1, Integer[] s2) {
    Arrays.sort(s1);//sort arrays
    IntSet s3;
    ArrayList<Integer> intersect = new ArrayList<Integer>();
    int s1index = 0;//initalise index and counters
    int s2index = 0;

    while (s1index < s1.length && s2index < s2.length) {
        if (s1[s1index] == s2[s2index]) {//if present in both arrays
            al.add(s1[s1index]);// add element to s3
        } else if (s1[s1index] < s2[s2index]) {//increment the smaller element
        } else {
    s3 = new IntSet(al);
    return s3;


 * Finds the union of two arrays see top for ADT specification
 * @param s1 first array
 * @param s2 second array
 * @return united array (s4)
public IntSet union(Integer[] s1, Integer[] s2) {
    Arrays.sort(s1);//sort arrays
    IntSet s3;//initialise arrays
    ArrayList<Integer> union = new ArrayList<Integer>();//creates new array list
    int counter = 0;

    for (int i = 0; i < s1.length; i++) {//add all elements from first array
    for (int j = 0; j < s2.length; j++) {//check second array...
        boolean contains = false;
        for (int i = 0; i < s1.length; i++) { //...with first 
            if (union.contains(s2[j])) { //if you have found a match   
                contains = true; //flag it  
                break; //and break  
        } //end i  
        //if a match has not been found, print out the value  
        if (!contains) {

    }//end j  
    s3 = new IntSet(al);
    return s3;
}//end method 

 * Returns elements of first array not present in the second See top for ADT
 * specification
 * @param s1 first array
 * @param s2 second array
 * @return difference array
public IntSet difference(Integer[] s1, Integer[] s2) {

    IntSet result = intersection(s1, s2);//get intersection array
    IntSet s3;
    Arrays.sort(s1);//sort arrays
    ArrayList<Integer> difference = new ArrayList<Integer>();//creates new array list
    for(int i = 0; i < s1.length; i++)
    for (int i = 0; i < s1.length; i++) {
        if (!difference.contains(result)) {//if not present in second array
            removeElement(s1[i]);//add value to output array
    s3 = new IntSet(al);
    return s3;


3 回答 3



IntSet[] t = al.toArray(new IntSet[al.size()]);
s3 = Arrays.copyOf(t, t.length);


return al.toArray(new IntSet[al.size()]);


您可能不应该返回一个IntSet[],而是一个代表交叉点的单个。 IntSetIE

return new IntSet(al, new Integer[al.size()]);  // based on constructor you
                                                // provided in IntSet class
于 2012-11-17T00:46:58.410 回答

根据我对您的代码的理解,您正在尝试创建一个 Int 的 Set 结构,称为IntSet. 第一个问题是您的方法的签名。两个 Integer[] 的联合会给你一个 IntSet 而不是一个 IntSet 数组。

public IntSet intersection(Integer[] s1, Integer[] s2)

第二个问题是您不能将数组中的元素“复制”到 IntSet 中。您需要使用类构造函数构造 IntSet 对象。

在你的 intersect 方法结束时,你应该有这样的东西:

IntSet s3 = new IntSet(al);

我不明白数组参数在 IntSet 构造函数中的作用以及为什么将提供的列表复制到其中。您的 IntSet 有自己的容器。这是al用类的每个实例实例化的整数列表。


IntSet(ArrayList<Integer> source) {

PS:阅读您的一些代码后,我可以建议您重新考虑您的方法。您需要做的是使用 List 作为支持结构来实现 Set。您从/到数组的转换是多余的。例如,使用 list 和 list 方法,您可以add像这样实现:

public int addElement(int elem) {
   if (!a1.contains(elem)) return  NUMBER_ALREADY_IN_SET;
   return NUMBER_ADDED;


于 2012-11-17T01:06:09.733 回答


于 2012-11-17T01:05:10.083 回答