我正在使用 D3 将其他CSV 文件列表的 CSV 加载到 javascript 中。

当我运行以下代码时,员工数组在代码中到达时仍然为空。是否有正确的方法来确保 D3 在 javascript 继续之前完成加载数据?

var employees = [];

//Retrieve the file list of all the csvs in the data directory, then run a callback on them
function retrieveList(url,callback) {
    d3.csv(url,function(data) {

//Parse a file list, and then update the employee array with the data within
function parseList(filenames){
    filenames.forEach(function(d) {
        d3.csv(d.filename,function(data) {
            data.forEach(function(d) employees.push(d.name));

//Run this code
var filenamesUrl = "http://.../filenames.csv"
retrieveList(filenamesUrl, parseList);

console.log(employees); //This logs "[]"

如果我在 Chrome 中加载页面,当我进入控制台并记录员工时,它肯定会返回填充有名称的数组。当我在最后一行运行 console.log(employees) 时,我怎样才能做到这一点?


2 回答 2


您可以使用queue.js收集所有 d3.csv 调用的结果:

function parseList(filenames){
  var q = queue();
  filenames.forEach(function(d) {
    //add your csv call to the queue
    q.defer(function(callback) {
      d3.csv(d.filename,function(res) { callback(null, res) });


function restOfCode(err, results) {
  //results is an array of each of your csv results
于 2012-11-20T18:17:07.367 回答

Your code seems fine. It's just that you're logging employees before the data is ready. But if you console.log it on the last line of parseList you should have it.

于 2012-11-17T04:16:50.860 回答