My scenario is that I have been developing an iOS app under my personal AppleID and provisioning a bunch of test devices to involve others in the testing. As we are close to rolling out this app, we plan on publishing it using a corporate AppleID. So when the app certificates are be created in the provisioning portal, they will necessarily be under a new AppID.

So the question is: when I rebuild my app with this new AppID and deploy it to existing testers, will they have access to the documents on their device that had been created by the previously-built app? If not, then how do I go about migrating them to the new app without forcing them to re-enter stuff they would have preferred to keep?


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如果它们是两个不同的应用程序 ID,它们是两个不同的应用程序,因此无法访问彼此的应用程序主文件。您将需要一个基于云的存储解决方案来促进这一点。

您还可以查看此链接,该链接有一些其他选项,具体取决于您需要传输多少数据以及您是否可以在新应用 ID 下发布之前更新市场上的现有应用。

于 2012-11-16T22:37:29.453 回答