我在 Ember 上做事时遇到了麻烦,我敢肯定这是因为我还没有完全掌握做事的“Ember 方式”,而且我正在尝试做一些脱离标准教程的范围。
// handlebars template: searchbar.hbs
{{view App.SearchField viewName="searchField"}}
<div class="results" {{bindAttr class="searchField.hasFocus"}}>
This is where the results for whatever the user has typed are shown.
// coffeescript source of the views: searchbar.coffee
App.SearchBar: Ember.View.extend
templateName: 'searchbar'
App.SearchField: Ember.TextField.extend
placeholder: 'Search'
hasFocus: false
eventManager: Ember.Object.create
focusIn: (event, view) ->
@set('hasFocus', true)
focusOut: (event, view) ->
@set('hasFocus', false)
// somewhere in the layout of the pages in my app
<div id="header">
首先,我希望在搜索字段获得焦点后立即出现建议弹出面板。这就是我在上面尝试在搜索字段上实现 hasFocus 属性的原因。但是如何让我的 div.results 面板对输入字段的焦点状态做出反应?