Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:/Users/Shepard/Desktop/Assignment 5.py", line 11, in <module>
print ("Total Sheets: " & total_Sheets & " sheets")
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for &: 'str' and 'int'
print ("Total Sheets: " & total_Sheets & " sheets")
print ("Total Reams: " & total_Reams & " reams")
我不应该使用 & 运算符将字符串和整数类型与打印结合起来吗?如果没有,我做错了什么?
ream = 500
report_Input = int (input ("How many pages long is the report?"))
people_Input = int (input ("How many people do you need to print for? -Automatically prints five extras-"))
people = people_Input + 5
total_Sheets = report_Input * people
total_Reams =((total_Sheets % 500) - total_Sheets) / people
print ("Total Sheets: " & total_Sheets & " sheets")
print ("Total Reams: " & total_Reams & " reams")
编辑:在我发布这个之后,我发现 Jon Clements 的答案是最好的答案,而且我还发现我需要输入一个 if 语句才能使其工作。这是我完成的代码,感谢所有帮助。
ream = 500
report_Input = int (input ("How many pages long is the report?"))
people_Input = int (input ("How many people do you need to print for? -Automatically prints five extras-"))
people = people_Input + 5
total_Sheets = report_Input * people
if total_Sheets % 500 > 0:
total_Reams =(((total_Sheets - abs(total_Sheets % 500))) / ream)+1
total_reams = total_Sheets / ream
print ("Total Sheets:", total_Sheets, "sheets")
print ("Total Reams:", total_Reams, "reams")