我正在生成一个 TCL 过程,它将返回一个开关下的设备数组列表。定义是一个读取的 XML 文件。使用递归过程解析生成的 XML 条目列表,并将设备属性放置在数组中。
注意:我使用的是在这里找到的优秀的 proc,'xml2list'。对不起,我忘了是谁提交的。
source C:/src/tcl/xml2list.tcl
# Read and parse XML file
set fh [open C:/data/tcl/testfile.xml r]
set myxml [read $fh]
set mylist [xml2list $myxml]
array set mydevice {}
proc devicesByName { name thelist list_to_fill} {
global mydevice
global set found_sw 0
upvar $list_to_fill device_arr
foreach switch [lindex $thelist 2] {
set atts [lindex $switch 1]
if { [lindex $switch 0] == "Switch" } {
if { $name == [lindex $atts 3] } {
set found_sw 1
puts "==== Found Switch: $name ===="
} else {
set found_sw 0
} elseif { $found_sw == 1 && [string length [lindex $atts 3]] > 0 } {
set mydevice(hdr) [lindex $switch 0]
set mydevice(port) [lindex $atts 1]
set mydevice(name) [lindex $atts 3]
set mydevice(type) [lindex $atts 5]
puts "Device Found: $mydevice(name)"
set text [lindex $switch 2]
set mydevice(ip) [lindex [lindex $text 0] 1]
lappend device_arr mydevice
devicesByName $name $switch device_arr
#--- Call proc here
# set a local array var and send to the proc
set device_arr {}
devicesByName "Switch1" $mylist device_arr
# read out the contents of the list of arrays
for {set i 0} {$i<[llength $device_arr]} {incr i} {
upvar #0 [lindex $device_arr $i] temp
if {[array exists temp]} {
puts "\[$i\] Device: $temp(name)-$temp(ip)"
XML 文件在这里:
<Switch ports="48" name="Switch1" ip="">
<Device port="1" name="RHEL53-Complete1" type="host"></Device>
<Device port="2" name="Windows-Complete1" type="host"></Device>
<Device port="3" name="Solaris-Complete1" type="host"></Device>
<Switch ports="36" name="Switch2" ip="">
<Device port="1" name="Windows-Complete2" type="host"></Device>
<Router ports="24" name="Router1" ip="">
<Device port="1" name="Switch1" type="switch"></Device>
<Device port="2" name="Switch2" type="switch"></Device>