
我的程序在 Windows 上的 Visual Studio 中运行,但是当我尝试在 Ubuntu 上的 Eclipse 中处理它时,它会在我尝试运行时终止,根本不显示任何输出。

Eclipse 正在使用 Linux GCC 工具包。



Shop [1188] [cores: 1]
Thread [1] 1188 [core: 1](暂停:信号:SIGSEGV:Segmentation fault)0x7ffff7b78bca
std::string::assign() at 0x7ffff7b79ff6 operator=() at basic_string.h: 542 0x402f00
fillInventory() at shop.cpp:364 0x402f00
main() at shop.cpp:73 0x401a29


input file      :ball_inventory.txt
output file     :ball_reportData.txt

#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
#include <iomanip>

using namespace std;

struct inventory
    string name;            //name of item
    int cost;               //cost of item
    int stock;              //items in stock
    int deficit;            //items ordered but not provided when out of stock


//Receive and validate input for yes/no prompts.
char yesNo();
//Display shop's logo
void logo();
//Display the low level item menu
void lowLevelMenu(int limit, inventory lowLevelInv[]);
//perform a purchase action for a single individual
int purchase(int limit, inventory lowLevelInv[], int itemTally[]);
//populate the inventory array with name, price, stock, data, initialize deficit to 0.
int fillInventory(ifstream &fin, inventory lowLevelInv[]);
//sort the inventory array by the day's deficit
void sortByDeficit(inventory lowLevelInv[], int limit);

*   Function Procedure:
*   1.  Prompt "customer 1" user for purchases
*   3.  Update group total
*   3.  Loop until there are no more "customers"
*   4.  Output group total
*   5. If no more groups, prompt for password.
*   6. At end of day, output to file, 1 line per item: name, stock, deficit.
int main()
    const int INV = 20;                                     //sets size of item[] and parallel arrays
    char confirm = 'n';                                     //holds user response to y/n prompts
    int groupTot;                                           //Group's total cost
    ifstream invSrc;                                        //inventory resource file
    ofstream    ball_reportData;                            //output file for report
    int limit;                                              //number of populated elements in arrays
    string password = "98765";                              //sets manager password
    string passCheck;                                       //user input to be checked against password
    bool exitAllow = 0;                                     //allows program to generate report and exit
    int itemTally[INV];                                     //tally of items ordered by a user
    inventory lowLevelInv[INV];                             //contains inventory information for the low level inventory

    invSrc.open("ball_inventory.txt");                      //open inventory file, populate arrays, close inventory file.
    /*LINE 73*/ limit = fillInventory(invSrc, lowLevelInv);

    logo();                                                 //display shop logo

    while(!exitAllow)                                       //continue running until password is entered to set exitAllow to true
        groupTot = 0;                                       //initialize group total due to 0;
        groupTot += purchase(limit, lowLevelInv, itemTally);                //prompt first customer for purchases and update group total
            cout<<"Are there any more orders for this group? y/n: ";        //check for more customers
            confirm = yesNo();
            if(confirm == 'y')                                              //prompt additional users and update total for each
                groupTot += purchase(limit, lowLevelInv, itemTally);
        }while(confirm == 'y');

        cout<<"The group's total is: "<<groupTot<<" denarii.";          //output total for group

        cout<<"\n\nAre you done for the day?";                                  //confirm for more groups to calculate
        confirm = yesNo();
        while(confirm == 'y')
            cout<<"Enter your password:";
            if(password != passCheck)
                cout<<"Invalid password, try again? ";
                confirm = yesNo();
                exitAllow = 1;
                confirm = 'n';

    for(int i = 0; i<limit; i++)
        cout << lowLevelInv[i].stock << endl;
    for(int i = 0; i<limit; i++)
        cout << lowLevelInv[i].deficit << endl;
    cout << string(20, '-')<<endl;
    sortByDeficit(lowLevelInv, limit);

    for(int i = 0; i<limit; i++)
        ball_reportData << lowLevelInv[i].name << endl;
        ball_reportData << lowLevelInv[i].stock << endl;
        ball_reportData << lowLevelInv[i].deficit << endl;

    cout<<"\n\nPress Enter to finish...";


int fillInventory(ifstream &fin, inventory lowLevelInv[])
    string name = "junk";               //name to be input to itemArray
    string cost;
    string stock;                           //cost to be input to costArray
    int i = 0;                              //incrementer
    stringstream convert;               //string stream used to input string to int
    int max=0;                                  //Number of elements filled in array

    while(name != "none")               //until "none" in file, fill name/cost arrays
        getline(fin, name);             //get name line
        getline(fin, cost);             //get cost line
        getline(fin, stock);
        if(name != "none")
/*LINE 364*/    lowLevelInv[i].name = name;         //output to name array
            convert<<cost;                  //fill stringstream
            convert >> lowLevelInv[i].cost; //output stringstream to cost array
            convert.clear();                //clear EOF(?) flag
            convert<<stock;                 //fill stringstream
            convert >> lowLevelInv[i].stock;    //output stringstream to cost array
            convert.clear();                //clear EOF(?) flag
            lowLevelInv[i].deficit = 0;         //set initial deficit

    return max;

1 回答 1


正如“无控制台输出(MinGW,CDT)”中的人指出的那样,这可能(或至少有时)是因为 Eclipse 在启动可执行文件时没有将 PATH 添加到 MINGW\bin,所以:


  • “名称:路径”
  • “值:C:\MinGW\bin”
于 2012-11-16T18:15:18.827 回答