我有 2 个 java 类。一旦将文档侦听器添加到文档(HTMLDoc)。另一个是实现 DocumentListener 的类。

我希望能够向此类返回一个值,以便我知道文档何时更改,以便我可以删除不需要的 html,这些 html 被粘贴并导致 JTextPane 出现问题。

doc = (HTMLDocument) kit.createDefaultDocument();
doc.addDocumentListener(new CTextPaneListener());


public class CTextPaneListener implements DocumentListener

    // Gives notification that an attribute or set of attributes changed.
    @Override public void  changedUpdate(DocumentEvent e)
        //System.out.println("DEBUG: changedUpdate() called");

    //Gives notification that there was an insert into the document.        
    @Override public void insertUpdate(DocumentEvent e)
        // I want to be able to return a value or a form a detection
        // so I can tell when there has been a insert.

    //Gives notification that there was a remove from the document.                     
    @Override public void   removeUpdate(DocumentEvent e)
        //System.out.println("DEBUG: removeUpdate called");


编辑:这是我的自定义 DocumentFilter,我最初认为这会捕获粘贴,但是似乎只有 DocumentListener 正在捕获粘贴。

public class CTextPaneFilter extends DocumentFilter
    public CTextPaneFilter(Document doc)
        this(doc, 0);

    public CTextPaneFilter(Document doc, int maxChars) {
        this.doc = doc;
        maxCharacters = maxChars;
    * Specifies the maximum text input length of the text pane.
    public void setMaxLength(int len)
        maxCharacters = len;
    * Invoked prior to insertion of text into the specified Document. 
    @Override public void insertString(DocumentFilter.FilterBypass fb, int offset,      String string, AttributeSet attr) throws BadLocationException
    * Teuncates the inserted string so the contents
    * would be exactly maxCharacters in length.

    if (maxCharacters == 0 || (doc.getLength() + string.length()) <= maxCharacters) {
                        fb.insertString(offset, string, attr);
    } else {
        if (doc.getLength() < maxCharacters) {
            fb.insertString(offset, string.substring(0, maxCharacters - doc.getLength()), attr);
// other overridden methods below

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