我正在尝试学习 facebook 应用程序开发,这是我正在尝试的代码。

require_once 'config.php';

/* Get a valid session */
$session = $facebook->getUser();
$me = null;
if($session) {
/* Check if session is valid */
$me = $facebook->api('/me');


我已经在 config.php 中设置了我的应用程序 ID 和密码,但它无法执行 getUser(),它返回的所有内容都是空的。



除了在托管站点中复制 facebook php sdk 之外,我是否需要进行特殊设置?有没有一个地方可以提供最新信息,清楚地定义分步说明?


2 回答 2


没有用户登录/授权,您不能只获取用户 ID。

见这里:https ://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/php/

Facebook 文档并没有很多人想象的那么糟糕。另一个基础教程:


请参阅“getLoginUrl”。获取最新的 php sdk 并使用 git 页面上“Usage”中的代码。“getUser”不返回会话,它返回一个用户 ID(如果用户未登录,则返回任何内容/零)。

于 2012-11-16T14:27:30.650 回答



 * This sample app is provided to kickstart your experience using Facebook's
 * resources for developers.  This sample app provides examples of several
 * key concepts, including authentication, the Graph API, and FQL (Facebook
 * Query Language). Please visit the docs at 'developers.facebook.com/docs'
 * to learn more about the resources available to you

// Provides access to app specific values such as your app id and app secret.
// Defined in 'AppInfo.php'

// Enforce https on production
if (substr(AppInfo::getUrl(), 0, 8) != 'https://' && $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] != '') {
  header('Location: https://'. $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);

// This provides access to helper functions defined in 'utils.php'

 * The content below provides examples of how to fetch Facebook data using the
 * Graph API and FQL.  It uses the helper functions defined in 'utils.php' to
 * do so.  You should change this section so that it prepares all of the
 * information that you want to display to the user.


$facebook = new Facebook(array(
  'appId'  => AppInfo::appID(),
  'secret' => AppInfo::appSecret(),
  'sharedSession' => true,
  'trustForwarded' => true,

$user_id = $facebook->getUser();
if ($user_id) {
  try {
    // Fetch the viewer's basic information
    $basic = $facebook->api('/me');
  } catch (FacebookApiException $e) {
    // If the call fails we check if we still have a user. The user will be
    // cleared if the error is because of an invalid accesstoken
    if (!$facebook->getUser()) {
      header('Location: '. AppInfo::getUrl($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']));
  // This fetches some things that you like . 'limit=*" only returns * values.
  // To see the format of the data you are retrieving, use the "Graph API
  // Explorer" which is at https://developers.facebook.com/tools/explorer/
  $likes = idx($facebook->api('/me/likes?limit=4'), 'data', array());

  // This fetches 4 of your friends.
  $friends = idx($facebook->api('/me/friends?limit=4'), 'data', array());

  // And this returns 16 of your photos.
  $photos = idx($facebook->api('/me/photos?limit=16'), 'data', array());

  // Here is an example of a FQL call that fetches all of your friends that are
  // using this app
  $app_using_friends = $facebook->api(array(
  'method' => 'fql.query',
        'query' => 'SELECT uid, name FROM user WHERE uid IN(SELECT uid2 FROM friend WHERE uid1 = me()) AND is_app_user = 1'

var_dump ($user_id);


于 2012-11-16T14:55:33.120 回答