I'm using the following so that site visitors can click on a thumbnail (in this case its called tn_guinness-label.jpg) and when they do click, a larger image appears (in this case called guinness-label.jpg). So.... I tried it and all I could see was a tiny box with a red X inside, and when I hovered my mouse over the red X, it worked as it should and showed me the larger image.
Why didn't it show me the thumbnail before I did mouseover? Plus, after I had completed the mouseover and then took my mouse away, I could then actually see the thumbnail image, which then stayed on view. So.... what am I doing wrong because the thumbnail did not show initially, it only showed after I had completed the mouseover. Thank you for your help. The following is what I'm using (aspx pages... with Visual web Developer free version)
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> </script>
<table style="border:solid black 1px;font-size:12pt; font-family:verdana">
<img alt="Guiness Advert" id="guiness" name="guiness" src="~/folder1/folder2/folder2//tn_guinness-label.jpg" onmouseover="document.guiness.src ='guinness-label.jpg';" onmouseout="document.red.src ='tn_guinness-label.jpg';" />
<div>Guiness Label</div>
If solution cannot be given for the above, I'm happy to receive any info whatsoever on how to achieve mouseover effects on a thumbnail, in aspx pages. Many thanks.