另外,对于 !inputFile 部分,我不确定如何像我的老师建议的那样完成返回(EXIT_FAILURE)。
该程序应该采用这样的文件:例如:NOT 11010001,它应该将命令作为字符串读取,将二进制文件作为数组读取,然后对二进制文件执行命令。
这里的代码只是主要的功能,只是不想一下子全部发送一个墙,如果这看起来不错,那么我会很乐意添加其余的。此外, void Operate () 函数几乎以一种或另一种方式调用所有其他函数......我不确定这是导致它的原因还是什么。打印表只有 cout 是一张用于放置所有信息的表。
/* ========================================================================== */
/* Prototypes */
int Power (int, int);
int ReadFile (ifstream inputFile);
void Operate (const int, ifstream&, string, int, int, int);
void CommandNot (const int, int, int);
void CommandAnd (const int, int, int, int);
void CommandOr (const int, int, int, int);
int CommandConvert (const int, int, int);
void CommandLshift (const int, int, int, int);
void PrintTable ();
void PrintOperand (const int &, int);
int main ()
const int BIT_SIZE = 8;
string fileName = "binaryData.txt";
int operandOne [BIT_SIZE];
int operandTwo [BIT_SIZE];
int operandResult [BIT_SIZE];
ifstream inputFile;
PrintTable ();
Operate (BIT_SIZE, inputFile, fileName, operandOne[BIT_SIZE], operandTwo[BIT_SIZE], operandResult[BIT_SIZE]);
return 0;
void PrintTable ()
cout << "=================================================" << endl;
cout << "= Eight Bit Binary Number Manipulator =" << endl;
cout << "=================================================" << endl << endl;
cout << setw(14) << "COMMAND" << "Operand #1" << "Operand #2" << "Shift" << "Result" << endl;
cout << "----------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl;
void Operate (const int BIT_SIZE, ifstream& inputFile, string fileName, int operandOne[], int operandTwo[], int operandResult[])
int count, shift;
char myChar;
string command;
const int SIZE = BIT_SIZE; //rename constant
inputFile.open (fileName);
if ( !inputFile ) //Check if file opened sucessfully
cout << "Error: Data file could not be opened" << endl;
while (inputFile) //Read file, and apply commands
inputFile >> command;
cout << command << endl;
for ( count = 0; count < SIZE; count++ )
inputFile >> myChar;
operandOne[count] = myChar - '0';
if (command == "NOT")
CommandNot (BIT_SIZE, operandOne[BIT_SIZE], operandResult[BIT_SIZE]);
PrintOperand (BIT_SIZE, operandResult[BIT_SIZE]);
else if (command == "AND")
count = 0;
for ( count = 0; count < SIZE; count++ )
inputFile >> myChar;
operandTwo[count] = myChar - '0';
CommandAnd (BIT_SIZE, operandOne[BIT_SIZE], operandTwo[BIT_SIZE], operandResult[BIT_SIZE]);
PrintOperand (BIT_SIZE, operandResult[BIT_SIZE]);
else if (command == "OR")
count = 0;
for ( count = 0; count < SIZE; count++ )
inputFile >> myChar;
operandTwo[count] = myChar - '0';
CommandOr (BIT_SIZE, operandOne[BIT_SIZE], operandTwo[BIT_SIZE], operandResult[BIT_SIZE]);
PrintOperand (BIT_SIZE, operandResult[BIT_SIZE]);
else if (command == "CONVERT")
CommandConvert (BIT_SIZE, operandOne[BIT_SIZE], operandResult[BIT_SIZE]);
PrintOperand (BIT_SIZE, operandResult[BIT_SIZE]);
else if (command == "LSHIFT")
inputFile >> shift;
CommandLshift (BIT_SIZE, operandOne[BIT_SIZE], operandResult[BIT_SIZE], shift);
PrintOperand (BIT_SIZE, operandResult[BIT_SIZE]);
command = "INVALID";
PrintOperand (BIT_SIZE, operandOne[BIT_SIZE]);
cout << "--- ERROR! Invalid Command ---";
return ;
void CommandNot (const int BIT_SIZE, int operandOne[], int operandResult[])
int count;
const int SIZE = BIT_SIZE;
for ( count = 0; count < SIZE; count++ )
if (operandOne[count] == 0)
operandResult[count] = 1;
operandResult[count] = 0;
void CommandAnd (const int BIT_SIZE, int operandOne[], int operandTwo[], int operandResult[])
int count;
const int SIZE = BIT_SIZE;
for ( count = 0; count < SIZE; count++ )
if ((operandOne[count] == 1) && (operandTwo[count] == 1))
operandResult[count] = 1;
operandResult[count] = 0;
void CommandOr (const int BIT_SIZE, int operandOne[], int operandTwo[], int operandResult[])
int count;
const int SIZE = BIT_SIZE;
for ( count = 0; count < SIZE; count++ )
if ((operandOne[count] == 0) && (operandTwo[count] == 0))
operandResult[count] = 0;
operandResult[count] = 1;
int CommandConvert (const int BIT_SIZE, int operandOne[])
int count;
const int SIZE = BIT_SIZE;
int baseTenResult = 0;
int place;
for ( count = 0; count < SIZE; count++ )
place = SIZE - (count + 1);
if (operandOne[count] == 1)
baseTenResult = baseTenResult + Power (2, place);
return baseTenResult;
void CommandLshift (const int BIT_SIZE, int operandOne[], int operandResult[], int shift)
int count;
const int SIZE = BIT_SIZE;
int shiftStart = SIZE - shift;
for ( count = 0; count < SIZE-shift; count++ )
operandResult[count] = operandOne[count + shift];
for ( count = SIZE - shift; count < SIZE; count++ )
operandResult[count] = 0;
int Power (int base, int power)
int count;
int result = 1;
for ( count = 0; count < power; count++ )
result = result * base;
return result;
void PrintOperand (const int BIT_SIZE, int operandResult[])
int count;
const int SIZE = BIT_SIZE;
for ( count = 0; count < SIZE; count++ )
cout << operandResult[count];