
如何使用 jQuery 找到每个表格单元格的“视觉位置”?

但在这种情况下似乎不起作用:http: //jsfiddle.net/TRr6C/9/

注意 1,3 1,4 和 2,4 应该是 1,4 1,5 和 2,5


或者,考虑到 colspan 和 rowspan,有没有更好的解决方案从表格单元格中获取 cellIndex 和 rowIndex?


function getCellLocation(cell) {

    var cols = cell.closest("tr").children("td").index(cell);
    var rows = cell.closest("tbody").children("tr").index(cell.closest("tr"));
    var coltemp = cols;
    var rowtemp = rows;

    cell.prevAll("td").each(function() {
        cols += ($(this).attr("colspan")) ? parseInt($(this).attr("colspan")) - 1 : 0;

    cell.parent("tr").prevAll("tr").each(function() {
        //get row index for search cells
        var rowindex = cell.closest("tbody").children("tr").index($(this));
        // assign the row to a variable for later use
        var row = $(this);
        row.children("td").each(function() {
            // fetch all cells of this row
            var colindex = row.children("td").index($(this));
            //check if this cell comes before our cell
            if (cell.offset().left > $(this).offset().left) {
                // check if it has both rowspan and colspan, because the single ones are handled before
                var colspn = parseInt($(this).attr("colspan"));
                var rowspn = parseInt($(this).attr("rowspan"));
                if (colspn && rowspn) {
                    if(rowindex + rowspn > rows)
                    cols += colspn;                    


    return {
        rows: rows,
        cols: cols

3 回答 3


我的解决方案是 jQuery 插件的形式,因为我可以想象拥有这些信息的目的不止一个。它可以用于:

$("table tbody td").each(function(){ 
    $(this).text( $(this).cellPos().top +","+ $(this).cellPos().left );

该位置的形式为{ top: rows, left: cols }。在第一次调用时,表格被扫描,TD元素获取data带有缓存位置的项目。(可以通过使用参数调用来重建缓存true)。所有进一步的调用仅返回该缓存值。




/*  cellPos jQuery plugin
    Get visual position of cell in HTML table (or its block like thead).
    Return value is object with "top" and "left" properties set to row and column index of top-left cell corner.
    Example of use:
        $("#myTable tbody td").each(function(){ 
            $(this).text( $(this).cellPos().top +", "+ $(this).cellPos().left );
    /* scan individual table and set "cellPos" data in the form { left: x-coord, top: y-coord } */
    function scanTable( $table ) {
        var m = [];
        $table.children( "tr" ).each( function( y, row ) {
            $( row ).children( "td, th" ).each( function( x, cell ) {
                var $cell = $( cell ),
                    cspan = $cell.attr( "colspan" ) | 0,
                    rspan = $cell.attr( "rowspan" ) | 0,
                    tx, ty;
                cspan = cspan ? cspan : 1;
                rspan = rspan ? rspan : 1;
                for( ; m[y] && m[y][x]; ++x );  //skip already occupied cells in current row
                for( tx = x; tx < x + cspan; ++tx ) {  //mark matrix elements occupied by current cell with true
                    for( ty = y; ty < y + rspan; ++ty ) {
                        if( !m[ty] ) {  //fill missing rows
                            m[ty] = [];
                        m[ty][tx] = true;
                var pos = { top: y, left: x };
                $cell.data( "cellPos", pos );
            } );
        } );

    /* plugin */
    $.fn.cellPos = function( rescan ) {
        var $cell = this.first(),
            pos = $cell.data( "cellPos" );
        if( !pos || rescan ) {
            var $table = $cell.closest( "table, thead, tbody, tfoot" );
            scanTable( $table );
        pos = $cell.data( "cellPos" );
        return pos;
于 2012-11-17T01:33:08.070 回答

@nrodic 的 scanTable() 的 vanilla js 版本

function scanTable(table)
    var m = [];
    for(var y=0; y<table.rows.length; y++)
        var row = table.rows[y];

        for(var x=0;x<row.cells.length;x++)
            var cell = row.cells[x], xx = x, tx, ty;

            for(; m[y] && m[y][xx]; ++xx);                        // skip already occupied cells in current row

            for(tx = xx; tx < xx + cell.colSpan; ++tx)            // mark matrix elements occupied by current cell with true
                for(ty = y; ty < y + cell.rowSpan; ++ty)
                    if( !m[ty] ) m[ty] = [];                    // fill missing rows
                    m[ty][tx] = true;

            // do here whatever you want with
            // xx: the horizontal offset of the cell
            // y: the vertical offset of the cell

于 2013-09-10T18:51:59.687 回答

我改进了 user652649 的答案,以便函数根据给定的坐标返回单元格,并且不会错过 col/rowspan 的单元格,这里是要点,或者只是一个代码:

 * Returns the cell of the table by given (x;y) coordinates considering colSpan and rowSpan of the cells.
 * @param {HTMLElement} table - HTML table
 * @param {number} x - X position in table matrix
 * @param {number} y - Y position in table matrix
 * @returns {HTMLElement|null}
var getTableCell = function (table, x, y) {
    var m = [], row, cell, xx, tx, ty, xxx, yyy;
    for(yyy = 0; yyy < table.rows.length; yyy++) {
        row = table.rows[yyy];
        for(xxx = 0; xxx < row.cells.length; xxx++) {
            cell = row.cells[xxx];
            xx = xxx;
            for(; m[yyy] && m[yyy][xx]; ++xx) {}
            for(tx = xx; tx < xx + cell.colSpan; ++tx) {
                for(ty = yyy; ty < yyy + cell.rowSpan; ++ty) {
                    if (!m[ty])
                        m[ty] = [];
                    m[ty][tx] = true;
            if (xx <= x && x < xx + cell.colSpan && yyy <= y && y < yyy + cell.rowSpan)
                return cell;
    return null;
于 2015-07-22T19:23:22.393 回答