下面是我备份到 rackspace 时使用的脚本。它使用来自 racker labs 的 php 云文件主库。我将它设置为一个简单的 cron。只需更换电子邮件
php 'path/to/backup.php'
$server_name = 'YOUR_SERVER_NAME'; //Name of the Current Server
$curr_date_time = date("Y-m-d--H:i:s"); //DON' CHANGE - Date
$curr_day = date("Yd"); //DON' CHANGE - Date
$sites = array("ENTERDATABASES HERE IN ARRAY FORMAT"); //Array of Databases to be Backed up
$site_root = "/var/www/";
$temp_dir = "/bak/mysql/"; //temp directory
$site_temp_dir = "/bak/site/"; //temp directory
$rscfUsername = 'YOUR RACKSPACE USERNAME'; // the username for your rackspace account
$rscfApiKey = 'YOUR RACKSPACE API KEY'; // the api key for your account
$rscfContainer = 'YOUR RACKSPACE CONTAINER'; //rackspace containr
foreach($sites as $site) {
exec("tar -czpf {$site_temp_dir}{$site}{$curr_date_time}_site.tar.gz {$site_root}{$site}");
// check if the file is created
if(file_exists("{$site_temp_dir}{$site}{$curr_date_time}_site.tar.gz")) {
$auth = new CF_Authentication($rscfUsername, $rscfApiKey);
$conn = new CF_Connection($auth);
// I allready created a container with this name otherwise user create_container
$container = $conn->get_container($rscfContainer);
// make a unique name with date in it so you know when it was created
$objectName = $site.$curr_date_time.'.tar.gz';
$store = $container->create_object($objectName);
$store->load_from_filename("{$site_temp_dir}{$site}{$curr_date_time}_site.tar.gz"); // send to rackspace
} catch (Exception $e) {
print_r($e, true);