我目前正在尝试自定义一个正在阅读收件箱中未读邮件的 AppleScript。除了我无法#T设法获取邮件日期之外,这基本上可以正常工作。
经过大约 2 小时的谷歌搜索后,我发现我需要的变量应该是 receiveate 或 deliverydate,但是当尝试使用其中一个时,我收到如下错误:
"...receivedate of id... cannot be converted to Type reference..."
tell application "System Events"
set processList to (name of every process)
end tell
if processList contains "Mail" then
tell application "Mail"
if (unread count of inbox) > 0 then
set messageList to (messages of inbox) whose read status is false
set output to "Mails:" & return & return & ""
repeat with itemNum from 1 to (unread count of inbox)
set itemDate to (receivedate of item itemNum of messageList)
set output to output & itemDate & " - " & (extract name from sender of item itemNum of messageList) & return & subject of item itemNum of messageList & return & return
end repeat
end if
end tell
set output to "ÄpplMäil isch aus..."
end if