select count(cmrckid)as TotalRDIs
select count(AccountID)as TotalMerchants
FROM tblAccounts
select count(AccountID)as TotalActiveMerchants
FROM tblAccounts
where inactive = 0
select count(AccountID)as TotalInActiveMerchants
FROM tblAccounts
where inactive = 1
select count(AccountID)as TotalwithRDIs
FROM [tblAccounts] a WITH (NOLOCK) inner join
[tblcmrck] c WITH (NOLOCK) on a.configid=c.configid and a.accountid=c.acctid
select COUNT(AccountID) as ActivewithRDIs
FROM [tblAccounts] a WITH (NOLOCK) inner join
[tblcmrck] c WITH (NOLOCK) on a.configid=c.configid and a.accountid=c.acctid
where a.Inactive = 0
select COUNT(AccountID) as ActivewithoutRDIs
FROM [tblAccounts] a WITH (NOLOCK)
where a.inactive = 0 and a.AccountID not in (select AcctID from tblCMRCK)
--select 'Total Active Merchants' / 'Total Merchants' as 'PctActive'
--from #tmptable
--select 'Total InActive Merchants' / 'Total Merchants' as 'PctInActive'
--from #tmpTableExample2
--select 'Active with RDIs' / 'Total Merchants' as 'PctActivewithRDIs'
--FROM #tmpTableExample
--select 'Active without RDIs' / 'Total Merchants' as 'PctActivewithoutRDIs'
--FROM #tmpTableExample