正如你在下面看到的,我在 Doxygen 没有正确链接我的评论时遇到了一些问题。这似乎是零散的,因为我的所有评论都具有相同的结构,但这些评论始终抛出此错误。

您可能会说我的函数在我的 '.h' 文件中声明,并在我的 '.cpp' 文件中定义。

关于如何解决这个问题的任何想法?我有 100 多个函数,这三个似乎引起了问题,其他的都没有。不知道为什么,或者如何解决这个问题。有任何想法吗?

DebugDataLoggingClass.cpp:46: warning: documented function `void RetrievalRig::DebugDataLoggingClass::AddEntryToCSV' was not declared or defined.

DebugDataLoggingClass.cpp:55: warning: documented function `void RetrievalRig::DebugDataLoggingClass::AddEntryToCSV' was not declared or defined.

RetrievalRigClass.cpp:416: warning: documented function `void RetrievalRig::RetrievalRigClass::DebugClosedHandler' was not declared or defined.

DebugDataLoggingClass.h:22: warning: Member DebugDataLoggingClass::AddEntryToCSV(System::String^ Name, double Value) (function) of class RetrievalRig::DebugDataLoggingClass is not documented.

DebugDataLoggingClass.h:23: warning: Member DebugDataLoggingClass::AddEntryToCSV(System::DateTime Date) (function) of class RetrievalRig::DebugDataLoggingClass is not documented.

RetrievalRigClass.h:188: warning: Member RetrievalRigClass::DebugClosedHandler(Object^ sender, System::Windows::Forms::FormClosedEventArgs^ e) (function) of class RetrievalRig::RetrievalRigClass is not documented.

编辑:10天没碰代码,今天回来上班,发现原来的6个错误只剩下4个了。它抱怨的函数具有相同的名称,但传递给它们的参数不同。Doxygen 不支持这一点,还是我需要使用某种显式语法?去网上搜索答案...


 * The values in the CSV file must be formatted appropriately. This method
 * accomplishes this for a set of a string and double. this is used for all
 * values in the datarecord.
 * @param Name  The name of the value to be written to the file
 * @param Value The current value to be written to the file
void DebugDataLoggingClass::AddEntryToCSV(System::String^ Name, double Value){

 * The values in the CSV file must be formatted properly, this method 
 * accomplishes this for a set consisting of a string and date. this is used
 * for the timestamp of each datarecord.
 * @param Date [description]
void DebugDataLoggingClass::AddEntryToCSV(System::DateTime Date){
    this->DataFileWriter->WriteLine("Time ,"+Date);

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