在一小时前发布了一个较早的问题并在 4 分钟内得到了回复,这太疯狂了,我再试试运气。程序有 5 种方法,目前正在制作所有方法,因此它们不会都在这里(由于先前的响应而将其放入)问题现在是我最后的方法之一,它实际上除了使打印语句正常工作之外. 该方法不完整,它不仅需要找到所述数字的因数,还必须将它们存储在数组中,将它们相加并确定数字是否完美。最后一个未显示的方法将打印出每个数字的实际数组(如果它有一个)。“testperfect”是我遇到问题的方法,在eclipse中我收到一个错误,说这个方法必须返回布尔类型的结果。. . 任何形式的帮助将不胜感激

import java.util.Scanner;

public class tgore_perfect 
 private static int count;
 private static int perfect;
 public static void main ( String args [])
    count = getNum ();
    boolean check = validateNum();
    while (validateNum() == false)
    System.out.print ("Non-positive numbers are not allowed.\n");
    count = getNum();
    if (validateNum() == true)
    for ( int i = 0; i < count; i++ )
        perfect = getPerfect();


public static int getNum () //gets amount of numbers to process
     Scanner input = new Scanner ( System.in );
     int counter;

         System.out.println ("How many numbers would you like to test? ");
         counter = input.nextInt();
     return counter;

 private static boolean validateNum() //checks user input
 if (count <= 0)
     return false;
     return true;

 public static int getPerfect() //gets number to process
 Scanner input = new Scanner ( System.in);
 perfect = -1;
 System.out.print ("Please enter a possible perfect number: ");
 return perfect = input.nextInt();

 public static boolean testPerfect() //tests the number to see if is perfect
     int sum = 0;
     int x = 0;

     for( int i = 1; i < perfect; i++ )
     if((perfect % i ) == 0 )
         x = i;
         sum += x;

     if( x == perfect)
         return true;
         return false;

1 回答 1



想象一下,如果你的 for 循环因为你的值而根本没有执行iand perfect,在这种情况下,你的函数不会返回任何东西。


public static boolean testPerfect() //tests the number to see if is perfect
    for( int i = 1; i < perfect; i++ )
    return false;
于 2012-11-15T12:49:45.767 回答