我有一个 asp.net 数据表,我想将数据绑定到两个 asp.net 数据列表中,所以我想将两个数据表中的数据表行切片,即使 .
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DataTable originalTable = new DataTable();
//Load the data into your original table or wherever you get your original table from
DataTable otherTable = originalTable.Copy(); //Copys the table structure only - no data
int rowCount = originalTable.Rows.Count;
int wayPoint = rowCount / 2; //NB integer division rounds down towards 0
for(int i = 0; i <= wayPoint; i++)
otherTable.ImportRow(originalTable.Rows[i]); //Imports (copies) the row from the original table to the new one
originalTable.Rows[i].Delete(); //Marks row for deletion
originalTable.AcceptChanges(); //Removes the rows we marked for deletion
于 2012-11-15T11:47:11.860 回答