我想创建一个用户登录的简单登录系统,然后它将保存用户登录的详细信息,并且他们将始终登录,直到他们单击注销链接。现在我听说为了做到这一点,用户 cookie 更好。下面是登录页面:

teacherlogin.php 脚本:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">

// connect to the database

  /* check connection */
  if (mysqli_connect_errno()) {
    printf("Connect failed: %s\n", mysqli_connect_error());

  // required variables (make them explciit no need for foreach loop)
  $teacherusername = (isset($_POST['teacherusername'])) ? $_POST['teacherusername'] : '';
  $teacherpassword = (isset($_POST['teacherpassword'])) ? $_POST['teacherpassword'] : '';
  $loggedIn = false;
  $active = true;

  if ((isset($username)) && (isset($userid))){
      echo "You are already Logged In: <b>{$_SESSION['teacherforename']} {$_SESSION['teachersurname']}</b> | <a href='./menu.php'>Go to Menu</a> | <a href='./teacherlogout.php'>Logout</a>";

  if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {

      $teacherpassword = md5(md5("g3f".$teacherpassword."rt4"));  

    // don't use $mysqli->prepare here
    $query = "SELECT TeacherId, TeacherForename, TeacherSurname, TeacherUsername, TeacherPassword, Active FROM Teacher WHERE TeacherUsername = ? AND TeacherPassword = ? LIMIT 1";
    // prepare query
    // You only need to call bind_param once
    // execute query
    // get result and assign variables (prefix with db)
    $stmt->bind_result($dbTeacherId, $dbTeacherForename,$dbTeacherSurname,$dbTeacherUsername,$dbTeacherPassword, $dbActive);

    while($stmt->fetch()) {
      if ($teacherusername == $dbTeacherUsername && $teacherpassword == $dbTeacherPassword) {
if ($dbActive == 0) {
    $loggedIn = false;
    $active = false;
    echo "You Must Activate Your Account from Email to Login";
}else {
    $loggedIn = true;
    $active = true;
      $_SESSION['teacherid'] = $dbTeacherId;
      $_SESSION['teacherusername'] = $dbTeacherUsername;

    if ($loggedIn == true){
      $_SESSION['teacherforename'] = $dbTeacherForename;
      $_SESSION['teachersurname'] = $dbTeacherSurname;
      header( 'Location: menu.php' ) ;

    if (!$loggedIn && $active && isset($_POST)) {
    echo "<span style='color: red'>The Username or Password that you Entered is not Valid. Try Entering it Again</span>";

       /* close statement */

    /* close connection */
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8" />
        <title>Teacher Login</title>
   <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="TeacherLoginStyle.css">


    <h1>TEACHER LOGIN</h1>

  <form action="<?php echo htmlentities($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); ?>" method="post" id="teachLoginForm">        
  <p>Username</p><p><input type="text" name="teacherusername" /></p>      <!-- Enter Teacher Username-->
  <p>Password</p><p><input type="password" name="teacherpassword" /></p>  <!-- Enter Teacher Password--> 
  <p><input id="loginSubmit" type="submit" value="Login" name="submit" /></p>

  <a href="./forgotpass.php">Forgot Password</a>






现在我想要做的是将用户的用户名和 id 的详细信息存储在一个 php 脚本(member.php)中,以便它知道哪个用户登录了。但目前我正在使用 $SESSION 来执行此操作,其中包含少量时间:

member.php 页面:


if (isset($_SESSION['teacherid'])) {

      $userid = $_SESSION['teacherid'];


if (isset($_SESSION['teacherusername'])) {

      $username = $_SESSION['teacherusername'];



如何更改上面的代码以包含 cookie,以便会员页面中的用户详细信息将无限期保留(直到他们退出当然)。



TeacherId (auto PK) TeacherForename  TeacherSurname TeacherUsername, TeacherPassword
1                   John             Parks          j.parks          b018460fba79b
2                   Mary             Little         u0876555         a33rfe3tn12e3
3                   Jim              Owen           owensjimmy       fkof04r3fk422

所以你是说首先在上面的表中添加一列 SessionId 并为每个用户存储一个复杂的 id,例如34dekfm45345

然后我真的需要你的帮助才能看到如何找到正确的 SessionId 并删除 SessionId 的代码。

更新 2:

因此,如果我理解正确,以下是 php 脚本的外观:


<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">

    // connect to the database

      /* check connection */
      if (mysqli_connect_errno()) {
        printf("Connect failed: %s\n", mysqli_connect_error());

      // required variables (make them explciit no need for foreach loop)
      $teacherusername = (isset($_POST['teacherusername'])) ? $_POST['teacherusername'] : '';
      $teacherpassword = (isset($_POST['teacherpassword'])) ? $_POST['teacherpassword'] : '';
      $loggedIn = false;
      $active = true;

      if ((isset($username)) && (isset($userid))){
          echo "You are already Logged In: <b>{$_SESSION['teacherforename']} {$_SESSION['teachersurname']}</b> | <a href='./menu.php'>Go to Menu</a> | <a href='./teacherlogout.php'>Logout</a>";

      if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {

          $teacherpassword = md5(md5("g3f".$teacherpassword."rt4"));  

        // don't use $mysqli->prepare here
        $query = "SELECT TeacherId, TeacherForename, TeacherSurname, TeacherUsername, TeacherPassword, Active FROM Teacher WHERE TeacherUsername = ? AND TeacherPassword = ? LIMIT 1";
        // prepare query
        // You only need to call bind_param once
        // execute query
        // get result and assign variables (prefix with db)
        $stmt->bind_result($dbTeacherId, $dbTeacherForename,$dbTeacherSurname,$dbTeacherUsername,$dbTeacherPassword, $dbActive);

        while($stmt->fetch()) {
          if ($teacherusername == $dbTeacherUsername && $teacherpassword == $dbTeacherPassword) {
    if ($dbActive == 0) {
        $loggedIn = false;
        $active = false;
        echo "You Must Activate Your Account from Email to Login";
    }else {
        $loggedIn = true;
        $active = true;
          $_SESSION['teacherid'] = $dbTeacherId;
          $_SESSION['teacherusername'] = $dbTeacherUsername;

        if ($loggedIn == true){
          $_SESSION['teacherforename'] = $dbTeacherForename;
          $_SESSION['teachersurname'] = $dbTeacherSurname;
          header( 'Location: menu.php' ) ;

        if (!$loggedIn && $active && isset($_POST)) {
        echo "<span style='color: red'>The Username or Password that you Entered is not Valid. Try Entering it Again</span>";

           /* close statement */

        /* close connection */
        <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8" />
            <title>Teacher Login</title>
       <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="TeacherLoginStyle.css">


        <h1>TEACHER LOGIN</h1>

      <form action="<?php echo htmlentities($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); ?>" method="post" id="teachLoginForm">        
      <p>Username</p><p><input type="text" name="teacherusername" /></p>      <!-- Enter Teacher Username-->
      <p>Password</p><p><input type="password" name="teacherpassword" /></p>  <!-- Enter Teacher Password--> 
      <p><input id="loginSubmit" type="submit" value="Login" name="submit" /></p>

      <a href="./forgotpass.php">Forgot Password</a>





我没有更改它检查用户当前是否登录的代码,我是否将其更改if ((isset($username)) && (isset($userid))){为任何相关的?我在上面包含了`include(sessionuser.php) 代码

member.php 脚本:


    if (isset($_SESSION['teacherid'])) {

          $userid = $_SESSION['teacherid'];


    if (isset($_SESSION['teacherusername'])) {

          $username = $_SESSION['teacherusername'];



我还需要上面的 member.php 脚本吗?

sessionuser.php 脚本:

$sessionUserID = false;

if (isset($_COOKIE['sessionUserID']) && preg_match('/^[a-z9-0]{32}$/i) {
    $sessionUserID = $_COOKIE['sessionUserID'];

    // Get the session details from the database
    $sql = 'SELECT s.*, t.* FROM SessionUser s LEFT JOIN Teacher t ON s.TeacherId=t.TeacherId WHERE s.SessionUserId=:SessionUserId';
    $aParams = array(':SessionUserId' => $sessionUserID)
    $sessionRow = $stmnt->fetch();
    if ($sessionRow) {
        // User is logged in, and you have details in $sessionRow
        // At this point, you can also validate other info such as the UserAgent, IP etc. All forgable, but can help add a littel security.
    } else {
        // Passed an invalid / expired session ID
        $sessionUserID = false;

// If you don't have a session, create one
if (!$sessionUserID) {
    // Create a session user ID - make it non sequential
    // You should put this in a loop and check $sessionID is unique. Insert will fail is not unique
    $sessionUserID = md5(time() . uniqid());
    $sql = 'INSERT INTO SessionUser(SessionUserId, TeacherId)
              VALUES(:SessionUserId, 0)';
    $aParams = array(':SessionUserId' => $sessionUserID)

    // Default session details
    $sessionRow = array('TeacherId'=>0);

    // Now the cookie part
    setcookie('sessionUserID', $sessionUserID, time() + howLongYouWant, '/');

// Not check for user logging in.
if (UserLogsIn) {
    if ($sessionRow['teacher_id'] > 0) {
         // Already logged in!?
    } else {

        $sql = 'UPDATE SessionUser SET Teacher_id=:TeacherId WHERE SessionUserId=:SessionUserId';
        $aParams = array(':TeacherId'=>$TeacherId, ':SessionUserId' => $sessionUserID);

        // After a form post, always redirect to the same page or another page - stops the "do you want to resent this data" message on back button
        // DO NOT echo anything before this point.
        header('location: this page');
} elseif (UserLogsOut) {
    if ($sessionRow['TeacherId'] == 0) {
         // Not Logged In!?
    } else {

        $sql = 'UPDATE SessionUser SET TeacherId=0 WHERE SessionUserd=:SessionUserid';
        $aParams = array(':session_id' => $sessionID);

        // After a form post, always redirect to the same page or another page - stops the "do you want to resent this data" message on back button
        // DO NOT echo anything before this point.
        header('location: this page');

sessionuser.php 脚本代码包含上述所有代码是否正确?我已更改代码以尝试匹配下面的数据库表:


SessionUserId (CHAR32) PK
TeacherId (INT) //matches TeacherId field in teacher table



2 回答 2


简单(但错误)的答案是您将所有替换$_SESSION['blah'] = $valuesetcookie('blah', $value, time() + ages);

但是您遇到的问题是您将用户信息存储在会话中 - 如果您存储在 cookie 中,则可以轻松更改该信息。

因此,您需要一种本地(在服务器上)存储个人详细信息的方式,以及一个用于调用这些详细信息的参考号 - 本质上您需要复制会话,但使用您自己的数据库(或文件存储)。

通常这是在数据库中完成的:您创建一个“会话”数据库,给每个用户一个唯一的会话 ID(很难猜到,不是一个直接的数字),然后将该会话 ID 存储在 cookie 中,并将个人详细信息存储在数据库中. 然后你得到一个会话 cookie,从数据库中调用它们的详细信息。当他们注销时,删除数据库等中的条目。如果服务器重新启动并且您丢失会话,您的会话数据在数据库中是安全的 - 用户始终登录,直到您不想要它。




// Create a DB with the following structure
session_id CHAR(32) PRIMARY KEY
teacher_id INT(mathc your teachers table)

// Check for cookie, validate it's an expected format
$sessionID = false;

if (isset($_COOKIE['sessionID']) && preg_match('/^[a-z9-0]{32}$/i) {
    $sessionID = $_COOKIE['sessionID'];

    // Get the session details from the database
    $sql = 'SELECT s.*, t.* FROM sessions s LEFT JOIN teachers t ON s.teacher_id=t.teacher_id WHERE s.session_id=:session_id';
    $aParams = array(':session_id' => $sessionID)
    $sessionRow = $stmnt->fetch();
    if ($sessionRow) {
        // User is logged in, and you have details in $sessionRow
        // At this point, you can also validate other info such as the UserAgent, IP etc. All forgable, but can help add a littel security.
    } else {
        // Passed an invalid / expired session ID
        $sessionID = false;

// If you don't have a session, create one
if (!$sessionID) {
    // Create a session ID - make it non sequential
    // You should put this in a loop and check $sessionID is unique. Insert will fail is not unique
    $sessionID = md5(time() . uniqid());
    $sql = 'INSERT INTO sessions(session_id, teacher_id)
              VALUES(:session_id, 0)';
    $aParams = array(':session_id' => $sessionID)

    // Default session details
    $sessionRow = array('teacher_id'=>0);

    // Now the cookie part
    setcookie('sessionID', $sessionID, time() + howLongYouWant, '/');

// Not check for user logging in.
if (UserLogsIn) {
    if ($sessionRow['teacher_id'] > 0) {
         // Already logged in!?
    } else {

        $sql = 'UPDATE sessions SET teacher_id=:teacher_id WHERE session_id=:session_id';
        $aParams = array(':teacher_id'=>$teacher_id, ':session_id' => $sessionID);

        // After a form post, always redirect to the same page or another page - stops the "do you want to resent this data" message on back button
        // DO NOT echo anything before this point.
        header('location: this page');
} elseif (UserLogsOut) {
    if ($sessionRow['teacher_id'] == 0) {
         // Not Logged In!?
    } else {

        $sql = 'UPDATE sessions SET teacher_id=0 WHERE session_id=:session_id';
        $aParams = array(':session_id' => $sessionID);

        // After a form post, always redirect to the same page or another page - stops the "do you want to resent this data" message on back button
        // DO NOT echo anything before this point.
        header('location: this page');
于 2012-11-15T02:17:37.430 回答

我的建议是延长会话到期时间。通常会话在浏览器关闭时过期,您可以从 ini 设置中更改此设置。请参阅http://php.net/manual/en/session.configuration.php 不会正是您正在寻找的,即永远,但延长时间可能是一个合理的解决方案。

于 2012-11-15T02:51:14.550 回答