I am working on a "Challenge Engine" web application that allows users to create challenges and compete with each other. I am using MVC 4 C#, razor syntax.

I am trying to make a page where the user can either create a challenge, or edit the details of a challenge he has already created. The way I want this to work is to have a drop-down menu of the challenges a user owns, a submit button, and two text fields below. When a challenge is selected from the drop-down, the two text fields should populate with the challenge name and the challenge description. I am not sure how to accomplish this, although I think it may involve somehow calling additional code that needs to be put into the controller (although maybe not). It may also require JavaScript, jQuery, and/or AJAX, but my understanding of these technologies is still somewhat shaky. Can anyone help, or point me in the right direction? I have Googled this extensively the past couple of days and searched stack overflow, but couldn't find anyone doing quite what I'm trying to do. Below is the relevant code I have so far.

The Challenge Model:

public class ChallengeModel
    public int ChallengeId { get; set; }
    public String Name { get; set; }
    public String Description { get; set; }

The Challenge Controller:

public class ChallengeController
public ActionResult Index()
    //Note: UserService and Challenge Service are part of the service layer;
    //They simply encapsulate the methods in the various DAOs.
        ViewBag.CurrentUserName = WebSecurity.CurrentUserName;
        ViewBag.CurrentUser = UserService.GetUserByName(ViewBag.CurrentUserName);
        ViewBag.OwnedChallenges =

        return View();

The Challenge View (index.cshtml):

<div class="challengeOwner">
<em>Challenges you own:</em>
<select id="selectOwnedChallenges">

    <option>Create new challenge...</option>
@foreach (ChallengeModel Challenge in ViewBag.OwnedChallenges)
    <option id="@Challenge.ChallengeId"
    WITH CHALLENGE NAME AND DESCRIPTION]]]  ">@Challenge.Name</option>

<input id="ChallengeName" type="text" name="Name"
    value="@selectedChallenge.Name"/><br />
<input id="ChallengeDescription" type="text" name="Description"
<input id="updateChallenge" type="button" value="Submit" />

As you can see, I thought I would use a variable @selectedChallenge to represent the challenge selected in the drop-down. I don't know how to set it, and I'm thinking this is probably not how it should be done, but I left it there for now so you can see my intention. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!


2 回答 2



<option value="@Challenge.ChallengeId"

然后在选择更改时使用 jQuery 更新输入字段:

// this runs when the DOM is finished loading http://api.jquery.com/ready/
$(document).ready(function() {

  // wire up the change handler http://api.jquery.com/change/
  $("#selectOwnedChallenges").change(function() {

    // get the selected option's data values http://api.jquery.com/data/
    var data = $("#selectOwnedChallenges option:selected").data();

    // set the inputs
于 2012-11-14T21:53:20.787 回答

您需要为此使用 javascript。它相当容易。这是我编写的一个快速函数,可以满足您的需要。

<script type="text/javascript">

    function displaySelectedChallenge(name, description)


displaySelectedChallenge(@Challenge.Name, @Challenge.Description)
于 2012-11-14T21:53:53.673 回答