我开始使用 oop 构建用户生成数据的站点。


function Get_Article($aid); //Gets an article
function Get_Users_Articles($uid); //Gets a multidemsional array of the users 
function Get_Latest_Articles(); //Self explanatory by now
function Get_Local_Articles($zip); //Gets articles written by local users
function Get_Local_Users($zip); //Gets all local users

function Get_All_Article_Comments($aid); //Gets a multidimensional array of the 
                                     //comments written for an article
function Get_Article_Comment($cid); //Gets a single article comment


在 oop 的主题上,我有一个用户类,看起来像...... private $user = array();

public function Get_User_Data($uid){
  //get user data from database
  return $this->user;

public function Set_User_Data($user_array){
  $this->user = $user_array;

public function Add_User(){
  //INSERT data from $this->user into the database 

现在有没有人看到这看起来有什么问题,主要是,我应该将 user_data 设置为 Add_User 函数的参数,而不是插入成员变量吗?


1 回答 1



Secondly I would strongly recommend, in fact I cannot be too strenuous in my recommendations that you take some time to at least study the various PHP Frameworks that are out there. While you may never use any of them, I feel pretty safe in guaranteeing that studying any of them will give you a better grasp on object-oriented principles and good application design in general. In case you've never seen any before, the following should give a place to start:

  • Zend Framework
  • Symfony
  • CakePHP
  • Solar Framework

Additionally, if you've never heard of Martin Fowler or Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture, I would strongly recommend that you try and pick up a copy. He literally wrote the book that has provided the basic patterns that are in use in EVERY popular web framework.

So much for my 'read the manual response' :-P

In your particular case I would start with a basic Active Record pattern to contain your database access logic and your domain logic. In this type of pattern, each database table (users, articles, comments) is represented by a discrete object. The basic Active Record class for Users would contain all of the functions to get a specific user or a list of users as well as the functions to insert, update, or delete a user. In addition, a User Active Record class would contain methods to load a user's articles and comments.

A shell User class might look something like this:

class User extends Active_Record {

public function find() {}

    Single function performs inserts and updates for the object
public function save() {}

public function delete() {}

public function getArticles() {}

public function getComments() {}
于 2009-08-27T03:26:03.640 回答