我将 onclicks 附加到具有事件发生时要调用的功能的按钮。在运行页面时,它会继续执行 onclick 的功能而不点击。
var recipeCount = 0;
//gets the recipes and puts them in the menu bar #left
//places them in buttons
$.getJSON('recipes.json', function(data) {
$.each(data.recipe, function(i, f) {
var yep = "</br> <button type='button' id = '" + f.number + "'>" + f.Name + "</button> </br>";
recipeCount = recipeCount + 1;
});//for each recipe
//ends recipes to menu
for(var i = 1; i < recipeCount + 1; i++){
$(i).onclick = clicked(i);
$("one").onclick = clicked("one");
};//on load
function clicked(idNum){
$.getJSON('recipes.json', function(data) {
$.each(data.recipe, function(i, f) {
if(idNum == f.number){
var rec = "</br> <h1> " + f.Name + "</h1> " ;
});//for each recipe