I've been using EF for a while (4 with model first) and so far I've not created any mapping manually. Whenever I need more entities/tables, I add an entity and the associations (all foreign key) and click "update database from model", which, as is well known, doesn't update any database from the model (although it does need a database connection for reasons I don't know). What it does is generating a storage model and the appropriate mappings to it, which are all stored back to the same edmx xml file.
So far, that has always been enough for me but I'm wondering what the workflow would be if one is to tweak the mappings and storage model manually. "Update database from model" overwrites all manual customization - so how is one to fix most of the mappings and storage model? Because I clearly don't want to do it all by hand - in fact I couldn't even figure out how to actually create a table in the storage model other than by editing the edmx in the xml.