Private Sub Items_ItemAdd(ByVal item As Object)
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
'Only act if it's a MailItem
Dim Msg As Outlook.MailItem
If TypeName(item) = "MailItem" Then
Set Msg = item
'Change variables to match need. Comment or delete any part unnecessary.
If (Msg.SenderName = "Sender") And _
(Msg.Subject = "Sub") And _
(Msg.Attachments.Count >= 1) Then
'Set folder to save in.
Dim olDestFldr As Outlook.MAPIFolder
Dim myAttachments As Outlook.Attachments
Dim Att As String
'location to save in. Can be root drive or mapped network drive.
Const attPath As String = "Z:\Folder\Folder\"
' save attachment
Set myAttachments = item.Attachments
Att = myAttachments.item(1).DisplayName
myAttachments.item(1).SaveAsFile attPath & Att
' mark as read
Msg.UnRead = False
End If
End If
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Number & " - " & Err.Description
Resume ProgramExit
End Sub