我一直在研究读取文件文档中的行然后代码组织它们的代码。但是,我一度陷入困境,我的朋友告诉我我可以使用什么。该代码有效,但似乎我不知道他在第 7 行和第 8 行从底部做什么。我使用了####,所以你们知道它是哪几行。
那么,本质上,您如何重新编写这两行代码以及它们为什么起作用?我似乎不明白来自 sys import argv 的字典
filename = input("Please enter the name of a file: ")
file_in=(open(filename, "r"))
print("Number of times each animal visited each station:")
print("Animal Id Station 1 Station 2")
animaldictionary = dict()
for line in file_in:
if '\n' == line[-1]:
line = line[:-1]
(a, b, c) = line.split(':')
ac = (a,c)
if ac not in animaldictionary:
animaldictionary[ac] = 0
animaldictionary[ac] += 1
alla = []
for key, value in animaldictionary:
if key not in alla:
print ("alla:",alla)
allc = []
for key, value in animaldictionary:
if value not in allc:
print("allc", allc)
for a in sorted(alla):
print('%9s'%a,end=' '*13)
for c in sorted(allc):
ac = (a,c)
valc = 0
if ac in animaldictionary:
valc = animaldictionary[ac]
print('%4d'%valc,end=' '*19)
print("Animals that visited both stations at least 3 times: ")
for a in sorted(alla):
x = 'false'
for c in sorted(allc):
ac = (a,c)
count = 0
if ac in animaldictionary:
count = animaldictionary[ac]
if count >= 3:
x = 'true'
if x is 'true':
print('%6s'%a, end=' ')
print("Average of the number visits in each month for each station:")
#(alla, allc) =
#for s in zip(*animaldictionary.keys()):
# (alla,allc).append(s)
#print(alla, allc)
(alla,allc,) = (set(s) for s in zip(*animaldictionary.keys())) ##### how else can you write this
##### how else can you rewrite the next code
print('\n'.join(['\t'.join((c,str(sum(animaldictionary.get(ac,0) for a in alla for ac in ((a,c,),))//12)))for c in sorted(allc)]))
print("Month with the maximum number of visits for each station:")
print("Station Month Number")