我一直在玩jQuery In Place Editor,但我不知道如何正确禁用它。以下是我到目前为止的代码。
我正在使用 jQuerytoggle
问题是下面的代码在前 2 次点击时按我预期的方式工作(即第一次点击 - 启用 editInPlace 插件,第二次点击 - 禁用它),但它不会在第 3 次点击时重新启用就地编辑功能。
(shoppingList.editButton).toggle(function() {
(shoppingList.editButton).attr('value', 'Finish editing');
(shoppingList.$ingrLinks).unbind('click', shoppingList.ingredients) // disable some functionality on links
.addClass('inplace-editor') // add class to links I want to be editable
.removeAttr('href') // make links unclickable
.editInPlace({ // editInPlace plugin initialized
url: 'http://localhost:8000/edit-ingredient/',
show_buttons: true
}, function() {
(shoppingList.editButton).attr('value', 'Edit items');
(shoppingList.$ingrLinks).bind('click', shoppingList.ingredients) // bring back the functionality previously removed
.removeClass('inplace-editor') // remove the class from links that were editable
.attr('href', '#') // make the links clickable again
.unbind('.editInPlace') // remove editInPlace plugin functionality