在给出“非法括号引用:项目”错误的代理中拥有这行 lotusscript 代码:
Set tempObligor.Facilities.items(Cstr(facilitydoc.requestnum(0))) = tempFacility
Facilities.items 被定义为对象列表。
所以不明白为什么 Notes 8.5 设计器会抛出错误。
同样奇怪的是,这在 Notes 8.0.2 中没有问题。
相信我可以通过使用遍历所有值以寻找匹配项的 FOR 循环来解决问题……但不知道为什么会发生错误让我感到困扰……
Dim tempObligor As Obligor
'This line errs out - does not like () after .items
Set tempObligor.Facilities.items(Cstr(facilitydoc.requestnum(0))) = tempFacility
Class Obligor As CollectableObject
Public Facilities As SortableList
End Class
Class CollectableObject
End Class
Class SortableList
Public items List As CollectableObject
Private Sub Sort()
Dim uboundarray As Integer
Dim nextTag As String
Dim x As Integer
Dim sortedArray As Variant
Dim ArrayToSort() As Variant
uboundArray = 0
Forall elem In items
NextTag = Listtag(elem)
Redim Preserve ArrayToSort(uboundArray)
ArrayToSort(uboundArray) = NextTag
uboundArray = uboundArray + 1
End Forall
SortedArray = SortArray(ArrayToSort)
Dim TempList List As CollectableObject
For x = 0 To Ubound(SortedArray)
Set TempList(SortedArray(x)) = items(SortedArray(x))
Erase items
Forall elem In TempList
Set items(Listtag(elem)) = TempList(Listtag(elem))
End Forall
Erase TempList
End Sub
Function SortArray(ArrayToSort) As Variant
Dim NumberOfElements As Integer
Dim temp As String
Dim x As Integer
Dim y As Integer
NumberOfElements = Ubound(ArrayToSort)
If NumberOfElements% = 0 Then
SortArray = ArrayToSort
Exit Function
End If
For x = 0 To (NumberOfElements)
For y = 0 To ( NumberOfElements - x - 1)
If Ucase$(ArrayToSort(y)) > Ucase$(ArrayToSort(y+1)) Then
temp = ArrayToSort(y)
ArrayToSort(y) = ArrayToSort(y+1)
ArrayToSort(y+1) = temp$
End If
Next y
Next x
SortArray = ArrayToSort
End Function
End Class