我正在尝试从我拥有的 csv 数据文件生成一个 .arff 文件。现在我对 Weka 完全陌生,并且在一天前就开始使用它。对于初学者,我正在尝试一个简单的 Twitter 情绪分析。我已经在 CSV 中生成了训练数据。CSV文件内容如下:
ATAUTHORcfoblog is giving away a $25 Amex gift card (enter to win over $600 in prizes!) http://t.co/JD8EP14c ,4,4
"American Express has always been my dark horse acquirer of ATAUTHORFoursquare. Bundle in Square-like payments & its a lite-retailer platform, no? ",0,1
African-American Demos Express Ethnic Identity Differently http://t.co/gInv4bKj via ATAUTHORmediapost ,0,3
Google ???????? Visa ? American Express http://t.co/eEZTSiHY ,0,4
Secrets to Success from Small-Business Owners : Lifestyle :: American Express OPEN Forum http://t.co/b85F8JX0 via ATAUTHOROpenForum ,2,1
RT ATAUTHORhunterwalk: American Express has always been my dark horse acquirer of ATAUTHORFoursquare. Bundle in Square-like payments & its a lite ... ,0,1
Winning Surveys $1500 american express Huggies Sweeps http://t.co/WoaTFowp ,4,1
I root for Square mostly because a small business that takes Square is also one that takes American Express. ,0,1
I dont know how bitch be acting American Express but they cards be saying DEBIT ON IT HAVE A ?? PLEASE!!! ,-5,2
Uh oh... RT ATAUTHORBlackArrowBella: I dont know how bitch be acting American Express but they cards be saying DEBIT ON IT HAVE A ?? PLEASE!!! ,-5,2
Just got another credit card. A Blue Sky card with American Express. Its gonna help pay for the honeymoon! ATAUTHORAmericanExpress ,-1,1
Follow ATAUTHORShaveMagazine and ReTweet this msg to be entered to #Win an American Express Gift card. Winners contacted bi-weekly by direct msg! ,2,4
American Express Gold zakelijk aanvragen: http://t.co/xheZwmbt ,0,3
RT ATAUTHORhunterwalk: American Express has always been my dark horse acquirer of ATAUTHORFoursquare. Bundle in Square-like payments & its a lite ... ,0,1
这里第一个属性是实际推文,第二个是 AFFIN 分数,第三个是实际分类类别(1-正面,2-负面,3-中性,4-垃圾邮件)
现在我尝试使用代码从中生成 .arff 格式:
import weka.core.Instances;
import weka.core.converters.ArffSaver;
import weka.core.converters.CSVLoader;
import java.io.File;
public class CSV2Arff {
* takes 2 arguments:
* - CSV input file
* - ARFF output file
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
if (args.length != 2) {
System.out.println("\nUsage: CSV2Arff <input.csv> <output.arff>\n");
// load CSV
CSVLoader loader = new CSVLoader();
loader.setSource(new File(args[0]));
Instances data = loader.getDataSet();
// save ARFF
ArffSaver saver = new ArffSaver();
saver.setFile(new File(args[1]));
saver.setDestination(new File(args[1]));
这会生成 .arff 文件,看起来有点像:
@relation file
@attribute tweet {_ATAUTHORcfoblog_is_giving_away_a_$25_Amex_gift_card_(enter_to_win_over_$600_in_prizes!)_http://t.co/JD8EP14c_,'American_Express_has_always_been_my_dark_horse_acquirer_of__ATAUTHORFoursquare._Bundle_in_Square-like_payments_&_its_a_lite-retailer_platform,_no?_',African-American_Demos_Express_Ethnic_Identity_Differently_http://t.co/gInv4bKj_via__ATAUTHORmediapost_,Google_????????_Visa_?_American_Express__http://t.co/eEZTSiHY_,Secrets_to_Success_from_Small-Business_Owners_:_Lifestyle_::_American_Express_OPEN_Forum_http://t.co/b85F8JX0_via__ATAUTHOROpenForum_,RT__ATAUTHORhunterwalk:_American_Express_has_always_been_my_dark_horse_acquirer_of__ATAUTHORFoursquare._Bundle_in_Square-like_payments_&_its_a_lite_..._
我是 Weka 的新手,但根据我的阅读,我怀疑这个 ARFF 的格式不正确。任何人都可以对此发表评论吗?