我有一个查询,它可以提取在树中呈现的数据,如可视化。在此查询中计算的 yloc 用于确定 y 位置以呈现附加到这些功能的某些对象。
仅使用 MAX(coalesce(CAP_TREE2.depth),0) 不起作用。所以我写了一个算法来显示在某些情况下我需要什么 yloc。
if (capability has c2 !=1)
yloc = 0
else if (capability is child (at any depth) of capability with c2 != 1)
yloc = depth - (depth of first parent with c2 != 1)
y = depth
注意: c2 代表 childNumber(按字母顺序)。因此,如果一个能力有两个孩子“A”和“B”。“A”的 c2 = 1,“B”的 c2 = 2。
尝试在 SQL (Oracle 11g R2) 中实现此算法时遇到了很多麻烦。我无法完成的问题是我算法中的else if子句。我已经能够获得具有 c2 != 1 的能力的所有子能力(在任何深度)。
但是,我无法完成的部分是 yloc = depth - (depth of first parent with c2 !=1)
谁能告诉我如何获得“第一个父母的深度与c2!= 1”?如果我能得到那个值,我的查询最终会完成。
c2 != 1 的“投资管理”第一个父级是深度为 2 的“FPP”。c2 != 1 的“第 3 方产品管理”第一个父级是深度为 2 的“FPP”。“订单管理 ( PI)" 第一个父级 c2 != 1 是深度为 2 的 "Operations and Services (PI)"。
这是我到目前为止所拥有的......底部的选择语句是我工作的地方。 http://sqlfiddle.com/#!4/55b5a/116
架构 SQL:
CREATE TABLE capability
id int,
parent_id int,
name varchar(200)
descendantid int,
ancestorid int,
depth int
INSERT INTO capability (id, parent_id, name) VALUES (1, -1, 'BU-Specific Capabilities');
INSERT INTO capability (id, parent_id, name) VALUES (2, 1, 'PI Capability Model');
INSERT INTO capability (id, parent_id, name) VALUES (3, 2, 'Core Business Processing (PI)');
INSERT INTO capability (id, parent_id, name) VALUES (4, 3, 'Institutional Trust Administration (PI)');
INSERT INTO capability (id, parent_id, name) VALUES (5, 2, 'FPP');
INSERT INTO capability (id, parent_id, name) VALUES (6, 5, 'Investment Management');
INSERT INTO capability (id, parent_id, name) VALUES (7, 6, '3rd party Product Management');
INSERT INTO capability (id, parent_id, name) VALUES (8, 2, 'Operations and Shared Services (PI)');
INSERT INTO capability (id, parent_id, name) VALUES (9, 8, 'Order Management (PI)');
INSERT INTO capability (id, parent_id, name) VALUES (10, 8, 'Settlements (PI)');
INSERT INTO capability (id, parent_id, name) VALUES (11, -1, 'Common Core Capabilities');
INSERT INTO tree (descendantid, ancestorid, depth) VALUES (1, 1, 0);
INSERT INTO tree (descendantid, ancestorid, depth) VALUES (2, 1, 1);
INSERT INTO tree (descendantid, ancestorid, depth) VALUES (2, 2, 0);
INSERT INTO tree (descendantid, ancestorid, depth) VALUES (3, 1, 2);
INSERT INTO tree (descendantid, ancestorid, depth) VALUES (3, 2, 1);
INSERT INTO tree (descendantid, ancestorid, depth) VALUES (3, 3, 0);
INSERT INTO tree (descendantid, ancestorid, depth) VALUES (4, 1, 3);
INSERT INTO tree (descendantid, ancestorid, depth) VALUES (4, 2, 2);
INSERT INTO tree (descendantid, ancestorid, depth) VALUES (4, 3, 1);
INSERT INTO tree (descendantid, ancestorid, depth) VALUES (4, 4, 0);
INSERT INTO tree (descendantid, ancestorid, depth) VALUES (5, 1, 2);
INSERT INTO tree (descendantid, ancestorid, depth) VALUES (5, 2, 1);
INSERT INTO tree (descendantid, ancestorid, depth) VALUES (5, 5, 0);
INSERT INTO tree (descendantid, ancestorid, depth) VALUES (6, 1, 3);
INSERT INTO tree (descendantid, ancestorid, depth) VALUES (6, 2, 2);
INSERT INTO tree (descendantid, ancestorid, depth) VALUES (6, 5, 1);
INSERT INTO tree (descendantid, ancestorid, depth) VALUES (6, 6, 0);
INSERT INTO tree (descendantid, ancestorid, depth) VALUES (7, 1, 4);
INSERT INTO tree (descendantid, ancestorid, depth) VALUES (7, 2, 3);
INSERT INTO tree (descendantid, ancestorid, depth) VALUES (7, 5, 2);
INSERT INTO tree (descendantid, ancestorid, depth) VALUES (7, 6, 1);
INSERT INTO tree (descendantid, ancestorid, depth) VALUES (7, 7, 0);
INSERT INTO tree (descendantid, ancestorid, depth) VALUES (8, 1, 2);
INSERT INTO tree (descendantid, ancestorid, depth) VALUES (8, 2, 1);
INSERT INTO tree (descendantid, ancestorid, depth) VALUES (8, 8, 0);
INSERT INTO tree (descendantid, ancestorid, depth) VALUES (9, 1, 3);
INSERT INTO tree (descendantid, ancestorid, depth) VALUES (9, 2, 2);
INSERT INTO tree (descendantid, ancestorid, depth) VALUES (9, 8, 1);
INSERT INTO tree (descendantid, ancestorid, depth) VALUES (9, 9, 0);
INSERT INTO tree (descendantid, ancestorid, depth) VALUES (10, 1, 3);
INSERT INTO tree (descendantid, ancestorid, depth) VALUES (10, 2, 2);
INSERT INTO tree (descendantid, ancestorid, depth) VALUES (10, 8, 1);
INSERT INTO tree (descendantid, ancestorid, depth) VALUES (10, 10, 0);
INSERT INTO tree (descendantid, ancestorid, depth) VALUES (11, 11, 0);
查询 SQL:
max(coalesce(CAP_TREE2.depth,0)) as ydepth,
WHEN cap.parent_id != -1
THEN DENSE_RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY cap.parent_id ORDER BY cap.name) --child number
END as c2
FROM capability cap
INNER JOIN tree CAP_TREE2 ON CAP.id = CAP_TREE2.descendantid
group by cap.name, cap.id, cap.parent_id
WITH ids(id, c2) AS ( -- Find the ids and the ranks
WHEN parent_id = -1
DENSE_RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY parent_id ORDER BY name) --child number
END as c2
FROM capability
t(id, depth) AS (
SELECT id, 0 AS depth FROM ids WHERE c2 != 1 -- Take only ranks not equal to one
SELECT c.id, depth+1 FROM capability c JOIN t ON (c.parent_id = t.id) -- Tree-walking
--SELECT DISTINCT cap.name, t.depth
--SELECT DISTINCT cap.name, min(t.depth)
--FROM capability cap JOIN t USING(id)
--group by cap.name
-- cap has childNumber != 1
WHEN DENSE_RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY cap.parent_id ORDER BY cap.name) != 1
THEN 0 -- y = 0
-- cap is child of cap with childNumber != 1
WHEN cap.name IN (SELECT DISTINCT capa.name
FROM capability capa
THEN max(coalesce(CAP_TREE2.depth,0)) -- y = depth - (depth of first parent with childNumber != 1)
ELSE max(coalesce(CAP_TREE2.depth,0)) -- y = depth
END as yloc
FROM capability cap
INNER JOIN tree CAP_TREE2 ON CAP.id = CAP_TREE2.descendantid
group by cap.name,
BU-Specific Capabilities 0 1 0 --yloc=depth
Common Core Capabilities 0 1 0 --yloc=depth
PI Capability Model 1 1 1 --yloc=depth
Core Business Processing (PI) 2 1 2 --yloc=depth
FPP 2 2 0 --yloc=0
Operations and Shared Services (PI) 2 3 0 --yloc=0
Institutional Trust Administration (PI) 3 1 3 --yloc=depth
Investment Management 3 1 1 --yloc=depth - (depth of FPP)
3rd party Product Management 4 1 2 --yloc=depth - (depth of FPP)
Order Management (PI) 3 1 1 --yloc=depth -(depth of Operations and..)
Settlements (PI) 3 2 0 --yloc=0