I have two columns (column A and column B) which has a list of companies.

Between that list of companies in column A and B, there were companies which are called 'global companies'.

I also have a list of that 'global companies' which I put it in a column (Column E). It can be put at other place as well, no problem.

How to make excel can identify between column A and column B which one is a 'global company' (by referring to column E or somewhere I put the list) and put the name of that 'global company' in column C (a new column)?


1 回答 1


根据您的标准,如果您命名您的全球公司列表GlobalCompanies,则将此公式粘贴到 C1 中并将其向下拖动:

=IFERROR(VLOOKUP(A1,GlobalCompanies,1,0) & " ","")&IFERROR(VLOOKUP(B1,GlobalCompanies,1,0),"")
于 2012-11-13T15:11:37.120 回答