import random
import math
import os
game = 0
points = 4
original = ["++12345","+*2222","*+33333","**444"]
plusortimes = ["+","*"]
numbers = ["1","2","3"]
def firstPart():
print "Welcome to the Numeric-Hangman game!"
def example():
result = ""
ori = random.choice(original)
for i in range(2,len(ori)):
if i % 2 == 0:
result = result + ori[i] + ori[0]
result = result + ori[i] + ori[1]
return ori
# def actualGame(length):
play = raw_input("Do you want to play ? Y - yes, N - no: ")
while (play == "Y" and (points >= 2)):
game = game + 1
points = points
print "Playing game #: ",game
print "Your points so far are: ",points
limit = input("Maximum wrong guesses you want to have allowed? ")
length = input("Maximum length you want for the formulas (including symbols) (must be >= 5)? ")
result = "" #TRACE
ori = random.choice(original)
for i in range(2,len(ori)):
if i % 2 == 0:
result = result + ori[i] + ori[0]
result = result + ori[i] + ori[1]
test = eval(result[:-1])
v = random.choice(plusortimes) #start of randomly generated formula
va = random.choice(plusortimes)
formula = ""
while (len(formula) <= (length - 3)):
formula = formula + random.choice(numbers)
formula2 = str(v + va + formula)
kind = ""
for i in range(2,len(formula2)):
if i % 2 == 0:
kind = kind + formula2[i] + formula2[0]
kind = kind + formula2[i] + formula2[1]
formula3 = eval(kind[:-1])
partial_fmla = "------"
print " (JUST TO TRACE, the program invented the formula: )" ,ori
print " (JUST TO TRACE, the program evaluated the formula: )",test
print "The formula you will have to guess has",length,"symbols: ",partial_fmla
print "You can use digits 1 to 3 and symbols + *"
guess = raw_input("Please enter an operation symbol or digit: ")
a = 0
new = ""
while a<limit:
for i in range(len(formula2)):
if (formula2[i] == partial_fmla[i]):
new = new + partial_fmla[i]
elif (formula2[i] == guess):
new[i] = guess
new[i] =new + "-"
a = a+1
print new
guess = raw_input("Please enter an operation symbol or digit: ")
play = raw_input("Do you want to play ? Y - yes, N - no: ")