I have an arraylist of Student objects which have several properties including first and last name, gpa, UID (university ID number), and more. I am stumped on how to sort the arraylist using the UID. The UID is an integer number, however, I'm forced to have it in String format for this project. If I can parse the numeric string into an int, how then can I sort the arraylist from lowest to highest using that number?


2 回答 2

List<Student> students = // create and populate your list...
Collections.sort(students, new Comparator<Student>() {
    pulbic int compare(Student s1, Student s2) {
        return Integer.valueOf(s1.getUid())
于 2012-11-19T15:17:01.783 回答
 Collections.sort(users, new Comparator<User>() {
            public int compare(User first, User second) {
                return Double.compare(first.getAge(), second.getAge());
于 2017-10-04T12:47:24.567 回答