我正在尝试创建一个简单的温度转换程序,该程序允许用户根据需要多次转换温度,直到他们决定通过输入字母“e”来结束程序。除了用户输入字母“e”的部分之外,代码中的其他所有内容都有效。如果我取出最后一个 else 语句,程序将再次从循环的开头开始。如果我将else语句留在里面,当用户输入字母'e'时,else语句认为它是无效输入并且不会结束程序。
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
float celsiusConversion(float cel){ // Calculate celsius conversion
float f;
f = cel * 9/5 + 32;
return f;
float fahrenheitConversion(float fah){ // Calculate fahrenheit conversion
float c;
c = (fah - 32) * 5/9;
return c;
int main()
char userInput;
while (userInput != 'e' or userInput != 'E') // Loop until user enters the letter e
cout << "Please press c to convert from Celsius or f to convert from Fahrenheit. Press e to end program." << endl;
cin >> userInput;
if (userInput == 'c' or userInput == 'C') // Preform celsius calculation based on user input
float cel;
cout << "Please enter the Celsius temperature" << endl;
cin >> cel;
cout << cel << " Celsius is " << celsiusConversion(cel) << " fahrenheit" << endl;
else if (userInput == 'f' or userInput == 'F') // Preform fahrenheit calculation based on user input
float fah;
cout << "Please enter the Fahrenheit temperature" << endl;
cin >> fah;
cout << fah << " Fahrenheit is " << fahrenheitConversion(fah) << " celsius" << endl;
else // If user input is neither c or f or e, end program
cout << "Invalid entry. Please press c to convert from Celsius, f to convert from Fahrenheit, or e to end program." << endl;
return 0;